The Scott Brown Rally
Well, here it is- the business world's response to the great teabag victory in Massachusetts:

And here I thought that they were going to jump for joy when a hard core member of the dishonest, lying, incompetent political party that nearly drove us off a cliff a year ago won a Senate race.
I hope you are enjoying that, conservatives. You may be able to sucker the voters of Massachusetts, but apparently the boys on Wall Street aren't quite so stupid.

And here I thought that they were going to jump for joy when a hard core member of the dishonest, lying, incompetent political party that nearly drove us off a cliff a year ago won a Senate race.
I hope you are enjoying that, conservatives. You may be able to sucker the voters of Massachusetts, but apparently the boys on Wall Street aren't quite so stupid.
Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Not many "feel" their way around wallstreet. Those who buy and sell don't "feel", they research. You might be superstitious about your finances, but the markets are driven by key factors, and in the past couple days those factors look terrible.
"the Teabagger's success indicated a world going topsy-turvy again."
Because the Democrats for the past three years has worked out fantastic.