Wingnut Wrapup

They're staggering, but not defeated. As long as the Cheetos hold out, the wingnuts will continue providing Green Eagle with much to ridicule:

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Americans are often smarter than those they elect to govern them. According to a December 31 Rasmussen poll, “Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters say waterboarding and other aggressive interrogation techniques should be used to gain information from the terrorist who attempted to bomb an airliner on Christmas Day.”

"Smart" = "I love torture." As long as it's happening to the other guy, of course. Well, there you go- Conservative foreign policy in a nutshell. And it worked so well for Bush and Cheney.

And another grand loving cup for projection, engraved with a picture of Sigmund Freud shaking hands with Joseph Goebbels, to Erick Erickson:

Erick Erickson, Red State: "we are, in fact, beginning to see something new from the Democrats. As I and others have written about before, the Democrats recognize there is no longer such a thing as a permanent political majority. Instead, the Democrats can effect a permanent policy shift in the country and are willing to take the hits to do it."

Oh well, why bother to comment? On to another of our favorite haters:

Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Government Jobs Overtakes Goods-Producing Jobs...Where to begin on how terrible this is? Government is force. Government is coercion. It should exist to enforce rule of law. That's all. That's it. This magnificent country has a terrible cancer - individual rights, free markets, unalienable rights are being destroyed by collectivism, statism ... the Democrats, the RINOs the moochers and the looters. We need an uprising."

Of course, a thirty year conservative policy of moving our goods-producing jobs overseas, and plundering our corporations to make the rich richer, had nothing- I said NOTHING- to do with it. No sir! It was all the Democrats' doing.

Now if only we could figure out a way to have our teachers and firemen in India too, things would get so much better in this country.

Confederate Yankee: "Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie-Barack Obama, via Breitbart, promising on eight separate occasions to televise the health care debate."

Which, of course, happened. The whole congressional health care debate was there for anyone to see, on CSPAN, just like he promised. Sort of gives a new meaning to the word "lie," doesn't it. Or at least to the phrase "Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie."

And now a defaced statuette of Germaine Greer, for suddenly discovering that you care so much for something you never gave a damn about before:

Pajamas Media: "Dear Mr. President: Your Policies Are Damaging Women the Most"

Well, not that they ever cared about women, but I guess they always love a lie.

And now the famous "You Should Have Thought About That Eight Years Ago" Citation:

Newt Gingrich, Fox News: "you have, something we’ve never before seen, a Chicago machine in the White House. The ruthlessness, the willingness to bribe senators, the fundamental dishonesty of the system… This is a ruthless machine that doesn’t care what it says, it cares what it can get away with.“

But, of course, that's what Republicans are on earth for- to get away with whatever they can. That's their duty. When Democrats do things, that's despicable. For example, passing legislation with a 60-40 majority vote has now become an insidious attack on our democracy.

Ken Blackwell, Town Hall: "Ken Blackwell: A Letter to the President"

Just what he needs, advice from a crook. Go away, Ken.

Victor Davis Hanson, Pajamas Media: "Obama's Bush bashing is now monotonous and sounds like the proverbial three-year-old’s sob."

With the single exception that what Obama is saying is true, Victor.

Walid Phares, National Review Online: "U.S. Looks for Terrorists in all the Wrong Places "

You mean, like Iraq?

Chuck Baldwin, Renew America: "January is often referred to as "Generals Month" since no less than four famous Confederate Generals claimed January as their birth month"

I wonder which month Chuck has set aside to celebrate the birth of Nazi generals. I know I don't generally provide url's for this sort of thing, but this article, which calls the Civil War the "War of Northern Aggression," is so full of humor, that I thought someone might like to read the rest. Knock yourself out, if you choose, but remember, Green Eagle is not responsible for loss of your previous meal.

Joe Kovacs, World Net Daily: "Explosive outrage is being unleashed on a popular supermarket chain after it published a 2010 calendar marking the date of Dec. 7 with the Islamic New Year, while eliminating any mention of Pearl Harbor Day..."

Damn those Muslims, for daring to have their New Year on Pearl Harbor Day. When we Americans suffer a defeat, we want to remember it forever, so we can stay really mad. That way, we can get behind lots more Republican wars.

World Net Daily: "Newspapers' birth announcements: So what? Critics rely on routine published statements in Honolulu"

And damn the facts too. We all know that Muslim agents deliberately planted those notices in the paper back in the sixties, confident that this poor, half-black child of a foreign parent would one day rise up to be a viable candidate for president.

World Net Daily: "Talk host: GOP plotted Christmas bombing"

How dare he, the scum? Of course, when you guys accuse Obama of being a Muslim, Communist agent dedicated to destroying our country, and do it every single day, that's just fine. Because you're you, and we're not. And you get to do whatever you want, right? Being so religious and noble and honest and all.


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