Green Eagle's State of the Union Address

I know how you have been looking forward to this- a concrete demonstration of why that cranky bird Green Eagle has no chance of ever becoming president. Here is what he would have had to say last night:

When I took my oath of office a year ago, I swore to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

We are accustomed to hear politicians endlessly trying to alarm us about foreign enemies who, in fact, have not killed a single American civilian here at home for over eight years. What no one is willing to talk about is a domestic enemy- an enemy which poses a far greater threat, and which is eating away at what this country is supposed to be, every single day.

This is an enemy of a kind that has never been faced by any president, any government, any populace, since the United States was founded. It has it in its power to destroy us all, and leave America little more than a shattered third world country with vast masses of virtually penniless people, struggling daily for survival, and ruled over by a miniscule minority of hyper-rich despots who care nothing about our welfare.

In our entire history, political parties have, to be sure, often acted with indifference, short sigtedness, stupidity and sheer criminality. But until now, despite all of their shortcomings, they have always realized that they owed their ultimate loyalty to our country, to its people, and to the great experiment in democracy that it represents. Until now, there has been a cliff edge at which all political parties stopped, before they took us all over it, in their pursuit of self interest.

Now we are faced with a situation that we have never experienced- a major political party that has completely thrown over all concern for the welfare of the American people and our society, in their pursuit of blind self interest- a party whose members are willing to engage in any action, no matter how degraded, to sate their desires. This party no longer even pretends to care about the welfare of the American people, and openly serves only the short-term interests of the hyper-rich, no matter how much long term damage they cause to us all.

Though we have never had to face this sort of threat, we can look to other times, and other places, where such a thing has occurred- where a party has destroyed its country through blind pursuit of self interest, spread through a firestorm of lies, hatred and distortions. In Italy and in Germany in the 1920's, we saw just such phenomena, with the result being fifty million deaths, and destruction on a scale never seen in the entire history of civilization.

Now, as frightening as it is to conemplate, and as hard as it is for some to confront, we are facing a similar threat in our country, today. One political party has determined to destroy the ability of our government to function, while inciting a large number of our citizens, through an outrageous and seemingly endless series of falsehoods and smears, to organize large scale organizations devoted to revolting against the government, and doing everything they can to bring it down. It finances mass demonstrations with no purpose but to fill people with rage and intolerance. It countenances the arming and organizing of these people into rogue militias, determined to use violence to have their way. It supports secession and other schemes to tear the country apart permanently. And above all, claiming to speak in the name of Jesus, it spreads the most degraded and anti-Christian of all moral positions- the notion that its followers owe nothing to their country or its other inhabitants.

We cannot survive as a nation and as a people with this cancer eating away at us, and preventing us from doing anything to deal with the problems we face, if it doesn't suit the interests of the multinational corporations and the hyper rich who finance this party, and whose pursuit of their own short term interest is driving us all to ruin. We had a small taste of the damage they can and will willingly do to us, when the last administration's servitude to them resulted in a near total financial collapse, which would have involved the ruin of millions of American families. Thankfully, unlike the last time that this party was able to control our country for a long period, in the 1920's, we did not have to wait three years after the crash for responsible politicians of another party to take over, and thus our country avoided a complete economic collapse.

Even during the great depression, however, as wrong headed and corrupt as their ideology was, this party of which I speak did not sink to the level that we face now. Then there were no tea parties, no militias, no calls for secession, no systematic corruption of the press with tales of death panels, communism, promoting religious terrorism, and all of the other endless slurs by which they manipulate their followers into a rage- synthetic, but uncontrollable- which is far outside the bounds of the kind of political behavior which can in any way produce a stable, functioning society.

No problem facing us come close to matching this threat. Without this party gone mad, without their obstruction, without their greed and their hate, we could solve all of our problems. We are never going to deal with these problems as long as this party and its attitude continue to drive us down a long road to disaster.

As all of this happened, my own party made a colossal mistake. At first they ignored the growing, clear evidence that these people had allowed themselves to spin out of control. When one president won office through an act of treason, and another through the collaboration of five corrupt Supreme Court justices, we allowed ourselves to be shouted and threatened into silence. We stood inert as these people collaborated for eight years to destroy a popular and clearly competent president, with one baseless charge after another, finally managing to impeach him on the basis of a minor infidelity that was, as we now know, far less that those being committed by many of his most savage attackers. We allowed them to ruin our economy based on patently absurd economic claims that existed for no other reason than to justify the depradations of the rich. We stood by, cowed into silence while they conducted a war of aggression and openly engaged in torture, all in our name. This is our complicity in this monstrous fate that has nearly engulfed us.

No more! From now on, this administration, at least, will speak the truth. There is no more serious threat that our country has ever faced, than this rogue party, eating away at the fiber of our republic. I stand before you today to promise you that the remainder of my term in office shall be dedicated to combatting this threat, and to fighting, on behalf of all of us, to return our country to the course of honesty and common human decency which has, for so long, been its strength.


Green Eagle for President!
Poll.P said…
Well put, and terrifyingly true...except for the part where a president has the courage to deliver this address. And act on it.
Paula said…
I second Ann's motion. And the tabloids be damned!

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