Free Speech, Republican Style

From Daily Kos:

"On December 20, 2009, the Chicago Tribune released a report that detailed how the healthcare industry spent upwards of $635 million over the past two years to shape the healthcare bill."

There you go. Six hundred million dollars. How much do you think we are going to see corporations spend on candidates in the future, thanks to five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court?

And by the way, guys, keep sending in those $25 and $50 donations to support your views. It will only take about twelve or fifteen million of them to balance out the money from one industry.


Derek said…
I'm surprised you are so against the SC's decision. Aren't you all about free speech?
Green Eagle said…
Nothing but cheap talking points as usual, huh?

Like I said yesterday, grow up, Derek. I had more respect for you when I thought you were only a freshman.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Since all Corporations have Foreign Components nowadays (Ford has European and Asian interests, branches, headquarters and factories) how exactly will Foreign money and influence be kept out of American elections?

It won't, but the ruling elite for whom the Republicans slavishly work to keep Americans impoverished and subservient recognize money over nations.
Derek said…
"It won't, but the ruling elite for whom the Republicans slavishly work to keep Americans impoverished and subservient recognize money over nations."

From what I have seen, this is only a hypothetical situation and most experts are skeptical. Even politico says so. Can you argue with the decision on Constitutional grounds?
Grung_e_Gene said…
Hmmm, that's a good argument Derek:

1st Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Therefore, "the people" have the right to petition for redress - and redress can mean money so "the people" have the right to use unlimited money to exercise free speech.

So... How do We the People stop foreign money from being used or is that not even an issue?

And can you give me your definition of "money", please?

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