Sarah Palin- Still Here

Sarah Palin, on Fox News Recently:

"O'REILLY: Do you believe that you are smart enough, incisive enough, intellectual enough to handle the most powerful job in the world?

PALIN: I believe that I am because I have common sense. And I have, I believe, the values that are reflective of so many other American values. And I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the kind of a spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite Ivy League education and a fact resume that's based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles."

What in the name of God does that even mean? Here is a person who cannot even make sense when reeling off a string of canned jingoistic lies. Her stupidity and ignorance are staggering. I am sad to admit that there are apparently a lot of people in our country who seem to like that.


Derek said…
"What in the name of God does that even mean? "

It means she thinks she is capable of being President of the United States because she has American values, a great report card, and common sense. She is contrasting herself to Obama, who had no report card, thinks we can spend/borrow our way out of debt, and is an elitist.

She isn't my first pick by any means but seeing you insult her without any facts or logic is uncalled for. Pick something on her political record that you think makes her unworthy, or better yet, compare her achievements to that of Obama's and tell me who is more qualified.
Green Eagle said…
How about the fact that she quit the elected position she was entrusted with, in order to make a lot of money?

How about the fact that she is stupid and ignorant?

How about the fact that her supposed "common sense" exists on no level whatsoever except as a jingoistic attempt to exploit her fellow ignoramuses?

Not enough? here is some more:

College: Obama, editor Harvard Law Review; Palin, five mediocre colleges to scrape out a degree in communication.

After college: Obama, law professor; Palin, sports announcer

Public service: Obama carried out his duties faithfully, Palin grandstanded and then quit.

Current Employment: Obama, President of the United States; Palin, out making money for herself.

Knowledge of history and world affairs: Obama, extensive and deep; Palin, essentially nonexistent

And just so we don't forget: Obama, an honest person dedicated to doing the best he can for the country; Palin, a cheap demagogue dedicated to doing the best she can for herself.

It is pathetic that you would even make this kind of argument, Derek, and it is a sign of your own deep dishonesty, since you can't possibly believe what you are saying.
Derek said…
"How about the fact that she quit the elected position she was entrusted with, in order to make a lot of money?"

She did everything she needed to, and she needed to get out of the position to do more work elsewhere. Apparently you think people should sit in their position if they are elected until the end of their term, regardless. Slave labor? Or just indentured servant?

"How about the fact that she is stupid and ignorant?"

Again, no facts or logic. Besides, she has more achievements than Obama.

"exists on no level whatsoever except as a jingoistic attempt to exploit her fellow ignoramuses?"

In today's political atmosphere, she has common sense. Can't spend your way out of debt, can't play soft in war, can't go against the Constitution.

College: Obama, editor Harvard Law Review; Palin, five mediocre colleges to scrape out a degree in communication."

Again, education means nothing. Give me results as an elected official. I could care less if you have a PHD or MBA or a GED, just make it work. Palin wins here.

"Obama carried out his duties faithfully, Palin grandstanded and then quit."

While taking money on the side and giving earmarks to his wife's hospital. Really faithful.

"Obama, President of the United States; Palin, out making money for herself."

Again, this means nothing. Obama is failing as President, Palin is revving up the conservative base while helping out PACs.

"Obama, extensive and deep; Palin, essentially nonexistent"

Yep, Obama bowing to kings/emperors and giving Gordon Brown dvds that are the wrong format as gifts = extensive and deep. Obama's hubris makes him sound confident when speaking about world issues, but he is an idiot. Listen to Palin's edited Couric interview clips. She knows aplenty. Besides, preelection she had a higher security clearance.

"Obama, an honest person dedicated to doing the best he can for the country; Palin, a cheap demagogue dedicated to doing the best she can for herself."

Again, no facts. To you, Obama can do no wrong, but he lies all the time. Stimulus, lobbying, money accepted, blaming Bush, just to name a few.
Green Eagle said…

you are reaching the end of my patience with your deliberate lies and willing stupidity. Just a word to the's getting pretty annoying.
magpie said…
Derek, please... stop. You cannot seriously put Sarah Palin on a par - much less above - Barack Obama, even if she's a Republican and he's not.

Palin is a laughing stock. The world over.
The very definition of an ignorant, incompetent, self-seeking, shallow and incoherent public figure.
A joke.

"Apparently you think people should sit in their position if they are elected until the end of their term"...
Easy to answer:
They are given that trust by the people in the understanding that they will show that commitment. No politician runs for office on the understanding they will not serve out their term. Calling such a basic expectation of elected responsibility as serving out one term "slavery" is not only absurd, it's juvenile. She quit because she was in debt and could make more money out of office. It's as simple as that. .

You say she has "common sense"...
No, sir, she does not. She took part in a ceremony to ward off witchcraft - documented on video.

A great report card?
She didn't understand what "South Africa" is. What NAFTA is. What the Bush doctrine is. What Hamas is. Where the Gaza Strip is. Couldn't name a supreme court decision other than Roe v Wade. Talked nuclear war as a serious option over Georgia.
She couldn't even name a newspaper she reads.

The person she quoted in her speech to the Republican convention quoted a man who lauded the idea of assassinating Robert Kennedy as an act of patriotism.

Palin's a fool and a puppet, Derek, and she is not serving the long term interests of the Republican Party, much less her country.

Get over it. Let your party find someone intelligent, educated, coherent, stable, disciplined.
Of course all that adds up to Obama but I optimistically assume someone equal to him exists somewhere on the Right of centre.
But I'm being charitable.
Derek said…
"deliberate lies and willing stupidity."

All I am doing is asking for evidence, proof, and logic. Apparently that is annoying to you.

"She quit because she was in debt and could make more money out of office. It's as simple as that. .

If this is true, then she did what she needed to for her and her family's benefit. And you are saying that is wrong? Would you have done differently in her position?

"She took part in a ceremony to ward off witchcraft - documented on video."

So you bash her faith? This has nothing to do with politics. Obama smoked bud. He also was Muslim at one point. If you bash Palin for her faith then you are just as bad as the wingnuts who say Obama is Muslim and wants to destroy America. Again, in terms of politics, she has common sense.

"A great report card?"

Half of those are whole lies. She did great things for Alaska and there is no way you can deny that.

"Of course all that adds up to Obama "

I wouldn't give him coherent or disciplined. Again, give me results. I could care less if Joe the Plumber was the President so long as he gave me results.
Green Eagle said…
Derek, you're useless.

Thanks a lot, Magpie. I get so tired of trying to point out some truth to people like Derek, and I was really pleased that you dived in to help, with an excellent comment.
Derek said…
"I get so tired of trying to point out some truth to people like Derek"

You never give me anything of worth, aka no truth. To flip the tables, is Biden better than Palin? This is an easy question.
magpie said…
I just want to answer a couple of Derek's counters:

"If this is true, then she did what she needed to for her and her family's benefit.And you are saying that is wrong? Would you have done differently in her position?"

It is true but it's not the truth she admitted to. She made up horseshit that it was all for America instead. That's the point.
It is wrong because she put herself above her responsibilities and yes I would do pretty much anything differently to Palin.

"So you bash her faith?"

No. I don't bash anyone's faith or bash anyone for their faith. That's what your side does.

I just don't like the idea of the most powerful leader in the world being worried by The Wicked Witch of the West, the Smurfs and Samantha the magical housewife while she glibly mouths off about going nuclear with Russia.

And she's a politician, Derek, not your little sister. Stop cosseting her.
Her endless "poor me" is one of her hallmark manipulations. Insulting to the public and despicable.

She'd have to speak with leaders from all over the world if she were president and I can't think of one who wouldn't eat her alive. America would be taken to the cleaners in every discussion on any issue. She sit there blinking in simple twit incomprehension and asking her aides elementary school level questions about geography.

Couric was as gentle as if she was a kindergarten child (befitting Palin's intellect) in that infamous interview, but that's not what happens in international discourse.

"Obama is Muslim and wants to destroy America"

If you truly believe that you are a moron. Sorry. But I note your faith bashing anyway.
Derek said…
"She made up horseshit that it was all for America instead. "

How do you know it was horsesh!t? What if she truly believes what she is doing is best for America and that is her justification for leaving?

"That's what your side does."

Haven't seen it and don't try to lump me with people.

"while she glibly mouths off about going nuclear with Russia. "

Better than Obama saying we'd go nuclear with Iran? Again, you point fingers in only one direction. If you are to bash Palin you must do the same for all politicians, not just those on the right.

"Her endless "poor me" is one of her hallmark manipulations. "

Because we can't think of any other politicians who do this (note the sarcasm). Also, the media was out to get her and treated her unfairly.

"America would be taken to the cleaners in every discussion on any issue. "

That'd be your opinion. Again, you are mislead by the mainstream media. Again, watch the edited portions of the Couric interview.

"Couric was as gentle as if she was a kindergarten child "

She purposefully edited out portions that made Palin look good! She also refused to called Palin "Governor".

"If you truly believe that you are a moron. Sorry. But I note your faith bashing anyway."

You misread and misunderstood. Read again: So you bash her faith? This has nothing to do with politics. Obama smoked bud. He also was Muslim at one point. If you bash Palin for her faith then you are just as bad as the wingnuts who say Obama is Muslim and wants to destroy America. Again, in terms of politics, she has common sense.

You also have yet to compare report cards. Results are what matter.
magpie said…
"If you bash Palin for her faith then you are just as bad as the wingnuts who say Obama is Muslim and wants to destroy America."

I did indeed misread that on the first pass and I apologize.

Again I did not bash Palin for her faith.
Believing in God and believing in witches are a completely different thing. The incident points to her mental vapidity and lack of common sense.

“Better than Obama saying we'd go nuclear with Iran?”

Iran cannot nuke New York, Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles and just about anywhere else on the globe with ICBMs by way of retaliation, Derek. Not yet anyway.

Russia CAN do that..Now. This very hour.

And Iran was in the context of a tactical nuclear strike which would be something of absolute last resort. Palin meant nuclear because she does not understand the difference between a tactical nuclear weapon and a strategic one.
Further she was not talking last resort she was just voice boxing what Republicans like to hear over an issue that has not been front page news for Americans for a year now.

Derek we can play this game endlessly but the reality is that Sarah Palin does not have the personal qualities and intellectual capacities required of the job of president.
Any one of the points that have been raised here and elsewhere - some of which even you cannot deny are beyond dispute - alone are enough to demonstrate that.

She's a lightweight. Probably a very nice person to know personally, but she hasn't got what it takes to be president.

What disturbs and amuses people who find her repugnant as a political option is not so much the woman herself but the vacuity with which people get on her train.
And then there's the sheer horror of what it says of the party of Lincoln being reduced to a vicious alliance of fundamentalist reactionaries and greedy lobbyists.

You say her achievements are greater. Perhaps you think the world is flat too.
I know that's being rude, but the irrationality of that opinion is profound and it is very hard to take seriously.

She won a beauty pageant and bailed out of being the governor of Alaska.

Obama won a resounding election win in the face of being called a terrorist sympathizer, a Muslim, the anti-Christ and just about every other bit of nonsense in the Right wing arsenal of endless smears and lies to become the first black president.
Then he brought the American economy back from the brink of a collapse caused by the consequences of the very philosophies her and your side of politics embrace.
He completely turned around much of the negativity toward the United States among her allies built up by the arrogance of Bush/Cheney.
In one year.

He is an academically and interpersonally brilliant man and an incredible communicator.

As a communicator Palin makes Bush sound erudite, which is pretty damned hard to do.
Green Eagle said…
Right on there, Magpie!
Derek said…
"Believing in God and believing in witches are a completely different thing. "

The witches is more specifically, if you'd like to debate theology, a belief in Satan.

"The incident points to her mental vapidity and lack of common sense."

But I don't see how. Just because someone believes that there is an active Satan and there are people who may fall under his power and thus bring harm to followers of Christ doesn't mean they don't have common sense. That is their faith, and it has nothing to do with politics. Would you say Obama has common sense even though he thinks we can spend and borrow our way out of debt?

"Not yet anyway."

They could provide a nuclear device to enemies of the US, aka people far more likely to attempt to nuke us than Russia.

Also, I'd love to see an actual quote. I can't find anything other than her advocating US support of Georgia, but nothing that even eludes to using nuclear weapons.

"You say her achievements are greater. Perhaps you think the world is flat too."

She did amazing things for Alaska. Do you deny this?

"Obama won a resounding election win in the face of being called a terrorist sympathizer, a Muslim, the anti-Christ and just about every other bit of nonsense in the Right wing arsenal of endless smears and lies to become the first black president."

Maybe I should clarify: Palin has more achievements as an elected official. Not the election itself, rather the achievements accomplished while holding office.

"Then he brought the American economy back from the brink of a collapse caused by the consequences of the very philosophies her and your side of politics embrace."

We were supposed to be out of the recession by mid to late 2009. Obama supports a bill that will cost us $1.2 trillion as well as a number of bailouts for failed companies, says our unemployment won't go above 7%, yet here we are, teetering in the gray area of recovery with 10.1% unemployment. Yep, he definitely did a whole lot (note my sarcasm)

"As a communicator Palin makes Bush sound erudite, which is pretty damned hard to do."

For the third time, watch the edited portions of the Couric interview.
magpie said…

Don't start talking about Satan. It does not do your already hopeless cause any good, and it makes you sound like a serial killer.

You have wandered off into the usual fact-deficient talking points that your side of politics trots out with tedious predictability. I'm not going to indulge you too much there.

If you want to talk about the debt that Republicans have got America into and the necessity of stimulus packages - which Palin supported till she saw that supporting them had negative partisan value for her - well that's a whole other discussion. Leave that one for another string.

But about Russia:

No-one, but NO-ONE, will be more likely to attempt to nuke you than Russia if you threaten war with Russia.
Why can you not see that?

Do have the faintest idea how many people they lost in WW2 and the shadow that casts over their attitudes, of their need to feel secure, and the weight that appearing as the strongman has in the psychology of their politicians?
Do you think, in your wildest imagination, that any direct military action between Russian and American forces over Georgia would not escalate to a general catastrophe or would in any way advance American interests?
And finally do you think Medvedev or Putin think any more of Palin than the rest of the world who perceive (correctly) what a sick joke she is?

And stop the broken record thing about the Couric interview.
She sucked in that interview and was revealed for the ill-prepared shallow ignoramus she is. Get over it. It was no-one's fault but hers.

And also McCain's for asking her to be his VP candidate after all of approximately 6 seconds of careless consideration.

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