A Disordered Mind

People who know me are aware that my interest in deeply confused lunatics doesn't stop with wingnuts. I am fascinated by all sorts of pseudoscience and fringe beliefs. Here is a website that I came across recently, which has the following to say:

"”Fractality Causes Charge to ACCELERATE! - Since all biologic growth is limited by ability to absorb energy it is self evident the best way to compress that in to nourish biology is FRACTAL! Recursive Feedback=Self Awareness=Fractality. 100 Years of Writing Field Equations, yet has physics investigated whether the same fractal field that causes gravity could also most nourish DNA-"

Uh huh. If you have a chance, take a look at it here. I ask because I have a question in mind. Does the same mental confusion that is revealed in the content of sites like this, lead to their violently colored and terminally confused appearance? I really am not sure why sites like this so often look this way, but they do.

Below- a small sample of the endless amusement to be had at this site:


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