Poster Boy
I have been seeing this picture on various blogs for a couple of days now, and I guess I just can't resist bringing it to you:

Yeah, I know, pretty standard teabagger fare, except for the fact that the man holding the sign there happens to be one Dale Robertson, the founder and president of the website Teaparty.Org, and one of the top leaders of the teabagger movement.
I think this guy makes a pretty good poster boy for them.
And anyone out there want to explain to me how teabaggers are not 1. racist and 2. stupid?

Yeah, I know, pretty standard teabagger fare, except for the fact that the man holding the sign there happens to be one Dale Robertson, the founder and president of the website Teaparty.Org, and one of the top leaders of the teabagger movement.
I think this guy makes a pretty good poster boy for them.
And anyone out there want to explain to me how teabaggers are not 1. racist and 2. stupid?
You count as a dupe Derek. Tea Parties were invented by republicans to serve republicans.
They were invented by conservatives as a wakeup call for America.
You've organized two tea parties.
When I was your age I had a permanent seat on the Republican State central committee in Michigan. Yes, you read that right. I knew the national chairman of the Republican party, who had an office right next to mine, and I was selected to be the national head of Youth for Romney (that's George, not Mitt) in his presidential campaign, before he destroyed his national political career by daring to tell the truth about the war in Vietnam.
It took me about ten months to wise up to what the Republican party was all about. The State party was grooming two of us for political careers. I quit, and the other guy ended up in prison in the Watergate affair.
It's getting time for you to figure it out too. You are serving a criminal enterprise. I am very happy that you care enough to involve yourself in the affairs of our country, but I would like to see you do it in a constructive manner.
Please then try to reason with me. Facts are most welcome!
All I do on here is give facts and logic. I ask for simple stats and facts yet you give me nothing. Also, when I give facts you ignore them and call me a liar.
Case in point when I said Republicans voted in favor of civil rights legislation 5X more often than Democrats, and that more republicans voted for the civil rights act of 1968 than democrats by percentage. I was correct, and you even presented the same stats I did, yet you claim I am wrong. Are you willing to admit that more Republicans voted for the civil rights legislation?