Harry Wakes Up

From Talking Points Memo, Harry Reid:

"As I look back it was a waste of time dealing with [Snowe]," Reid is quoted as saying in a forthcoming New York Times Magazine piece, "because she had no intention of ever working anything out."

Just figure that out, Harry, you stupid sucker?

The Republicans are trying to drive Harry from office. God, I hope they succeed. Reid is the most pathetic majority leader I have ever seen, by a long shot. The biggest Democratic majority in history, and he can't accomplish anything. He may very well have single-handedly destroyed our best chance to achieve progressive legislation since the New Deal. The sooner he is gone, the better.

And by the way, I would like to take this opportunity to point out once again, for those like Harry who haven't figured it out yet, that there is no such thing as an honest Republican.


Jean Valjean said…
The best of them are delusional, the worst are unspeakable.

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