Republicans on Haiti

I must say that I am absolutely sickened by the right wing response to the earthquake in Haiti. We have all heard about the disgusting comments by the likes of Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh. Here are a couple of excerpts from a post at Town Hall, by some thug named Steve Chapman, that seem to sum up a lot of the contemptible Republican line on Haiti:

"we on average are more productive, disciplined, future-oriented and law-abiding than Haitians"

Oh, of course we are. That's why we just averted sending ourselves into a depression by the worship of greed, the new Republican religion, also known as Reaganomics.

How to lift Haitians out of misery is an enduring puzzle. U.S. intervention, undertaken periodically for nearly a century, hasn’t worked."

Maybe that's because U. S. intervention has consisted of removing legally elected liberal governments and replacing them with corrupt right wing dictatorships.

"Left-wing despots haven’t led the way to salvation..."

Maybe that's because the left wing "despot" you are referring to, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was a popularly elected president who didn't have a chance to lead the way to anything, because our government participated in removing him twice, and replacing him with a real despotism, featuring the Tonton Macoutes, one of the most vicious secret police organizations since the SS. The last time, the coup planners were aided by the Bush administration to the extent of providing a plane to take him out of the country, after he was removed from the presidential palace at gunpoint.

"Others have variously characterized Haiti as a nightmare, predator, collapsed, failed, failing, parasitic, kleptocratic, phantom, virtual or pariah state.”

So don't forget who is responsible for the current government of that country. It's not the Hatian people- they elected the other guy, but they ended up with our guy.

"As Americans, our virtues are important, particularly in the long run. Haiti could benefit from cultivating them."

What a lie. In regard to Haiti, we have the opposite of virtue. WE bear a major responsibility for that country's failure to thrive. I'm not sure how much of this is due to a century-long refusal on the right to have a black government succeed in the Western Hemisphere, and how much is just sheer greed. You can make up your own minds about the proportions of each, but therein lies a large part of the story of Haiti's failure- another great success for Republican foreign relations.

Update: If you have any doubt about the claims I made about the Bush administration's malignant role in Haiti, check this out:

"(Bush) has both personally and acting through his agents and subordinates, caused the United States of America to kidnap, imprison, intimidate, coerce, threaten, confine, abduct, and carry away the elected, constitutional President of Haiti, and his wife, a U.S citizen, in violation of United States statutes"

There's lots of detail about what actually happened. This is just the latest in a century long history of malicious interference by the United States in the affairs of Western Hemisphere countries which are too weak to stop us.


viagra online said…
Yeah that was a tragedy.
Thanks for sharing, nice blog.

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