Sad But True

Screw the wingnuts. We can have just as much fun with the "real" news:

First this, and are you surprised?

"Well, it's official now: John Kiriakou, the former CIA operative who affirmed claims that waterboarding quickly unloosed the tongues of hard-core terrorists, says he didn't know what he was talking about.

...Kiriakou adds that he didn't have any first hand knowledge of anything relating to CIA torture routines, and still doesn't. And he claims that the disinformation he helped spread was a CIA dirty trick: "In retrospect, it was a valuable lesson in how the CIA uses the fine arts of deception even among its own."

Never would have guessed that Dick Cheney was lying about torture, would you, now?

And now a little perspective on Haiti's troubles:

"Western governments have been urged to write off Haiti's international debts of nearly $1 billion (£620 million) after its prime minister said rebuilding the country could take a decade."

One billion dollars. That is one half of one percent of what this year's Wall Street bonuses are projected to amount to. How about if we take the whole damned two hundred billion away from them and use it to pay off the debts of poor countries like Haiti, much of which were piled up under U.S. supported dictators? You think that would maybe be a better use for the money than buying all of these Wall Street assholes a yacht?

And now, the leading story in the "it makes me want to bang my head against the wall" category:

"Centrist Democratic senators have circumvented party leadership to approach Maine GOP Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins about reviving healthcare talks.

Democrats such as Sens. Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), Bill Nelson (Fla.) and Max Baucus (Mont.) have approached Snowe within the past week to discuss her potential support for various healthcare proposals."

Hey, what do you think? Do you believe: 1. that these two backstabbing, lying Republican Senators are suddenly going to decide that screwing the American people to serve the rich isn't such a good idea, or: 2. that every Republican on earth is a lying, corrupt bastard, and Senators Lincoln, Nelson and Baucus are right in there with them, serving the rich regardless of the damage to the rest of us?

Now, here's another story that will make you say "I'm so surprised:"

"Washington, DC — For years U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publications and reports about uses and dangers of coal combustion waste have been edited by coal ash industry representatives, according to EPA documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Not surprisingly, the coal ash industry watered down official reports, brochures and fact-sheets to remove references to potential dangers...During the Bush administration, EPA entered into a formal partnership with the coal industry, most prominently, the American Coal Ash Association"

The American Coal Ash Association. The Bush administration. A marriage made in heaven.

I'd laugh if I weren't so busy coughing.

And in case you think I haven't beaten up on Ben Nelson enough yet, this tidbit:

"Ben Nelson Planned To Filibuster Conference Report, Admits Current Law Already Prevents Public Money From Funding Abortion "

So why did he make an issue about it? Could it be that he has been collaborating with Republicans all along? Oh no, it couldn't be that, now, could it?

And let's finish off with this, from Joe "You Lie" Wilson:

"Joe Wilson: Obama's Birthplace Should Have Been Brought Up In Primary...By stating that the issue of Obama's birthplace should have been raised, Wilson is implicitly acknowledging that there is uncertainty as to whether the president is constitutionally allowed to hold office."

Boy, Joe, it really hurts to have a Negro showing the audacity to stand in front of you and try to tell you something, doesn't it? You guys from South Carolina know everything about Negroes you need to , don't you? And one of the thing you know, is that you'll sure as hell never admit that you have one as your president, right?


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