Acorn goes 46-0

Here's a story that, for some reason, hasn't gotten that much attention. I wonder why?

From the December 24th edition of the New York Times:

"The controversial community organizing group Acorn has not broken any laws in the last five years, according to a Congrssional Research Service report released Tuesday evening.

The report...said that federal agencies, mainly the Departments of Justice and Housing and Urban Development, have awarded money to the group 48 times since 2005. But, in none of those instances did Acorn violate the terms of their funding, the report said.

The report found no evidence that voters attempting to cast ballots at the polls had been improperly registered by Acorn, a chief Republican accusation.

Acorn has been the subject of scores of investigations—a total of 46 inquiries by federal, state, and local agencies, including the FBI and the Treasury Department, and five by Congress as of October 2009, according to the report."

46 investigations, and nothing.

I don't notice that our "liberal" press, which was happy to collaborate with the Republican party by broadcasting endless aspersions on Acorn, and by extension, the Democrats who are presumed to benefit by its operations, has had much to say about this report.

And I don't hear any apologies from the lying, smearing Republicans that cooked up their lies about Acorn.

Too much to ask for, I guess


mastercynic said…
More like this please. Exposing the conservative manipulation of the media is invaluable, but giving time and space to the fringe nutcases like Orly Taitz seems to legitimize them even as you ridicule them.
Green Eagle said…
I take your point, Mastercynic. I just can't help myself when it comes to Orly. Sorry.

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