History- The Rewriting Continues

Rudy Giuliani, on Good Morning America today:

"What [Obama] should be doing is following the right things Bush did. One of the right things he did was treat this as a war on terror. We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We've had one under Obama," Giuliani said."

The point I want to make isn't that Giuliani is a shameless liar, which of course he is- after all, he is a Republican.

Since former Bush spokesliar Dana Perino first came out with this spectacular rewriting of history a few weeks ago, Republicans all over the place, including Dick Cheney, who has some reason to remember who was president on 9/11, have been repeating this same sick, ludicrous claim.

Democrats, this is the consequence of decades of your cowardice in standing up to the undending series of distortions of history produced to deny any Republican failure ever. The Republican party now thinks it can rewrite our history any time it wants to edit out any responsibility they bear for our country's problems, and with the press on their side, they may be right.

I am going to continue harping on this, because until Democrats get up the minimal nerve it takes to just tell the truth, this is going to go on and on, and our life as a nation is going to devolve into an endless struggle to survive one Republican generated catastrophe after another.


Grung_e_Gene said…
Don't forget the odious and noisome Mary Matalin, "We inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation's history."

But, it sells to the Teabagging Birtherites because they love when the Punk Ass Bitch Republican PArty lies to them.

The supporters of the GOP are War Profiteers, Punks, Chicken Hawks, Hypocrites the Actively Ignorant and Violently Stupid who crave and desire fearmongering and lying.
Green Eagle said…

I love it when someone demonstrates such a masterful use of our great language, as you have just done.

I couldn't say it better myself. Thanks for the comment.

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