She's At It Again
Orly Taitz is back!

From World Net Daily, we learn this vital information:
"Orly Taitz, who has, among other cases, one pending at the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of a member of the military wondering whether orders from Obama as commander-in-chief are valid, said the possibility of fraud is one of several concerns in the case."
The possibility of fraud. There sure is, Orly. Not from Obama, of course, you dingbat, from you.
"There is such a high probability of criminal acts of identity theft and Social Security fraud committed by the respondent that the undersigned requests this honorable court to use its inherent powers to order Sua Sponte* an evidentiary hearing on this particular issue for possible criminal prosecution," she wrote in her latest arguments..."
Social security fraud. What do you think the odds are that a president would be kicked out for that? Particularly, since the whole thing is a load of crap?
And now, Orly wants the court to join her march to lunacy on its own initiative.
"She noted the respondent, Obama, "has submitted himself to the jurisdiction of this honorable court and can be brought to a separate evidentiary hearing to ascertain if fraud was perpetrated upon the court by assertion of false identity, even if the underlying case is not heard or closed for one reason or another."
A fraud perpetrated on the court by Obama, who would have nothing to do with the court, were it not for Orly and her phony lawsuits.
I see. Even if the last two hundred or so idiotic, malicious claims she has made have proven to be utter garbage, the court could still disgrace itself by voluntarily joining her in her latest march to humiliation. That's going to happen real soon, huh?
"According to her online posting of the newest request, she also notes the case "has not been heard on the merits..."
Merits. There's a laugh for you.
*Wikipedia: "The term is usually applied to actions by a judge taken without a prior motion or request from the parties." I'd never heard of that one.

From World Net Daily, we learn this vital information:
"Orly Taitz, who has, among other cases, one pending at the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of a member of the military wondering whether orders from Obama as commander-in-chief are valid, said the possibility of fraud is one of several concerns in the case."
The possibility of fraud. There sure is, Orly. Not from Obama, of course, you dingbat, from you.
"There is such a high probability of criminal acts of identity theft and Social Security fraud committed by the respondent that the undersigned requests this honorable court to use its inherent powers to order Sua Sponte* an evidentiary hearing on this particular issue for possible criminal prosecution," she wrote in her latest arguments..."
Social security fraud. What do you think the odds are that a president would be kicked out for that? Particularly, since the whole thing is a load of crap?
And now, Orly wants the court to join her march to lunacy on its own initiative.
"She noted the respondent, Obama, "has submitted himself to the jurisdiction of this honorable court and can be brought to a separate evidentiary hearing to ascertain if fraud was perpetrated upon the court by assertion of false identity, even if the underlying case is not heard or closed for one reason or another."
A fraud perpetrated on the court by Obama, who would have nothing to do with the court, were it not for Orly and her phony lawsuits.
I see. Even if the last two hundred or so idiotic, malicious claims she has made have proven to be utter garbage, the court could still disgrace itself by voluntarily joining her in her latest march to humiliation. That's going to happen real soon, huh?
"According to her online posting of the newest request, she also notes the case "has not been heard on the merits..."
Merits. There's a laugh for you.
*Wikipedia: "The term is usually applied to actions by a judge taken without a prior motion or request from the parties." I'd never heard of that one.