Economy Grew

From the New York Times today:

"U.S. Economy Grew at Fastest Pace in 6 Years Last Quarter

Gross domestic product expanded at an annual rate of 5.7 percent in the fourth quarter...The strong growth in the fourth quarter capped a year of the biggest contraction since 1946, when the country was still cooling off from World War II."

But, of course, don't you dare give the Obama administration a shred of credit for taking the right actions to undo eight years of Republican criminality. Oh no, Democrats can never do something that works. Only Republicans can succeed at anything. Like Iraq. And Katrina. And Enron. And the economy. And successful interrogation of prisoners. And maintaining our positive image in the world.

I could go on here, but I guess you get the idea.


Derek said…
2/3 was from the slowdowns of liquidation of inventories, so real growth was 2.2%

Note that GDP includes government spending.

"Only Republicans can succeed at anything. Like Iraq. And Katrina. And Enron. And the economy. And successful interrogation of prisoners. And maintaining our positive image in the world."

Iraq: We are doing dandy are we not?

Katrina: Kathleen Blanco was a Democrat.

Enron: Blaming Republicans for a private company practicing accounting fraud? Democrats do this all the time in the legislature.

economy: The democrats were in office.

successful interrogation of prisoners: KSM and the LA attacks.

maintaining our positive image in the world: who cares.
magpie said…

"maintaining our positive image in the world: who cares."

Ah...people who do business abroad, Americans living abroad for various reasons, their families. They probably care to some extent.
You don't care about them?
Derek said…
"You don't care about them?"

It isn't our policy that has changed, it is the face. We've killed just as many foreigners and Gitmo is still open. Obama's arrogance worsens our image, yet still people like him more because he is a lefty.

Not his policies, not his rhetoric, his label.
magpie said…
So... we agree that how other countries view America, and making that view more positive, is in fact something Americans should care about.

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