It's All Obama's Fault, Whatever it Is

Here's an example of the grotesque mix of lies and smears that passes for political analysis on the right, from Erick Erickson at Red State:

"It appears Barack Obama inexperience and amateurishness has just started bonfires on the bridges connecting him to the American intelligence community and delivered a huge, HUGE psychological win to Al Qaeda. People tell me the President’s rush to acknowledge the attack on the CIA in Afghanistan and mourn the deaths openly, publicly, and via press release is a huge no no. The CIA and greater intelligence community would prefer not to have the attention put on them."

Remember just a few days ago, with the underpants bomber, how it was a huge no no for the president to not get out there right away and scream his head off? Heads I win, tails you lose, huh, Erick? And as for the CIA not wanting to have the attention put on them, no one wants attention put on their failure. So too damned bad, CIA guys. This isn't Bush and Cheney there, when failure is a heck of a job. This administration expects some degree of competence.

Face it: the CIA has been failing this country continuously since it was started. It's about time someone noticed.

" acknowledges the CIA’s work in Afghanistan, acknowledges that the attack has an impact on the CIA, and gives the terrorists a new recruiting tool — “you too can cause America to publicly mourn the loss of their spies.”

Of course, Al Qaida couldn't figure that out on their own, being dumb Muslims.

"To you and me this may not seem like a big deal. But I’m told this is hugely significant..."

Told by whom, Erick? By whom? You forgot to let us in on that one. Some more of your lying, traitorous right wing friends, maybe?

"... and shows just how out of touch the Obama administration is with the intelligence community. I’m told that no other President has issued such blanket statements of public mourning directed toward an attack on the CIA and thereby having the White House itself confirming an attack on our intelligence community."

As if Al Qaida needed confirmation- they carried out the attack, you moron. You know what? It's us that you are afraid will notice.

By the way, where were you when Bush and Cheney tried to blame every one of their screwups in Iraq and Afghanistan on the CIA, huh, Erick? As usual, no blunder, however monumental, is the fault of Republicans, so that was okay.

But a statement of mourning from Obama becomes a colossal failure. This is particularly ironic in light of the fact that you would have savaged him today if he hadn't done that.

"The White House is subtly blaming the intelligence community for the failure to deduce the Delta/Northwest attack."

Subtly blaming them? No, Erick, you lied again. But think about it: just who is responsible for "deducing" attacks, if not the intelligence community? That's their job, remember? And somebody had seven years to get them ready to do it. So, next time, let's blame them. How does that idea strike you?


I just did a post about this shithead but I forgot his name GE.

That's all these people have is lies and other crap they make up.
Green Eagle said…

That's Erick. Spelled like Prick. There, now you'll never forget his name again.

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