Wingnut Wrapup

The lies roll on...

Mona Charen, Town Hall: "Whose Fault Is It?"

Obama's. What was his fault? Everything. Look how fast he wrecked the magnificent economy that Bush and Cheney left for him.

Dan Perrin, Red State: "The reason that health care reform has previously never passed, is that the smart Democrats stopped themselves when the political costs of health care reform were weighed against their gains."

Dan, I guess you don't remember the Clinton Administration. The reason health care reform never passed was that a coalition of Republicans and insurance companies spent tens of millions to scare the American people with a campaign of lies.

Oh and by the way, health care reform has previously never passed? I guess you never heard of medicare, huh?

Confederate Yankee: "Obama may have violated an executive order issued by Ronald Reagan that expressly forbid negotiating with terrorists."

You know what, Mr. Yankee? What one President "orders" another can un-order. Of course, Reagan violated his own "order" to get into office when he and his campaign team committed treason to prevent the release of the Iran hostages before the election. And yes, I mean the literal, constitutional defenition of treason. And he did it again when he gave those same Iranian mullahs two thousand missiles, to raise the money to finance his drug dealing right wing terrorist army in Nicaragua. I'm not throwing the word around like a bomb, the way right wingers do- that was giving aid and comfort to the enemy, pure and simple. But. of course, it's okay to commit treason if you're a Republican.

Confederate Yankee: "Obama Finally Issued First Veto...At this point the great difficulty in describing the Obama Presidency is determining whether the theme is that of a tragi-comedy or a horror film."

George W. Bush issued his first veto in July of 2006, over five years after he took office. What does that make him, a puling baby? Oh does.

Adam Graham, Pajamas Media: "What's More Important Than Being Electable? Being Able To Govern"

Andy, you should have figured that out in 2000.

Jen Schroder, Renew America: "If Adam told Eve to teach their children "fisting" and gay sex with each other, should she obey?"

Boy, there's a question.

Grant Swank, Renew America: "What we would like you to know is what the American press has been keeping a dirty little secret. Obama IS a Muslim and he IS a racist and this is a fulfillment of the 911 threat that was just the beginning. Jihad is the only true Muslim way. We have been working with them for 20 years this July! He is not an American as we know it."

Hitting the vicoden a little heavy there, Grant? Get some sleep- you'll feel so much better in the morning.


Oh, Astute ones, let me try to explain this to you in simple terms: Moby Dick did just fine in that book. It was the guy with the uncontrollable obsession to destroy him that ended up dead. Think about it.

Astute Bloggers: "Obama Warned of Imminent Attack 3 Days Prior: OBAMA:" A MISERABLE FAILURE."

Bush: warned that Al Qaida was going to attack in U.S. a month before attack. Bush actions: nothing. What does that make Bush? Oh wait, he was a MISERABLE FAILURE in everything he ever did. This was just one more in a long list.

American Thinker: "Karl Rove's New Year Resolutions for Obama and the Democrats"

Thanks for the concern, Karl. But I don't think we are all going to commit suicide just yet.

Kevin McCullough, Town Hall: "Dear President Obvious, Poor People Are Not 'Our Enemies'

No, of course not. For Republicans, poor people are your victims. They don't have much, but when you take it away from all of them, you still end up with a pretty penny, right?

Erick Erickson, Red State: "George Bush never tried to disown 9/11 or Richard Reid. He never tried to say, “hey, it was Clinton’s problem. And the strategy of blaming Bush for being weak on terror will not work after eight years of blaming Bush for being too bloodthirsty."

Okay, Erick. Here goes. First of all, Bush didn't have to blame Clinton. He had Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and a whole army of lying pundits to do that for him. And second, I for one have no problem seeing Bush as bloodthirsty, incompetent, and a gigantic liar who only cared about terrorism when he could use it to manipulate the American people. All of that was true. So there. This time we will not forget.

World Net Daily: "Are planned airport scanners just a scam? Technology to respond to Christmas Day bomb attack has been tested, found wanting"

Hey, just like Reagan's star wars boondoggle. Wait a're all for that one.

And now a couple of award winning entries: first, a teeny statue of John Birch, for the most pathetic claim of atrocity of the day:

Carey Roberts, Renew America: "Abuse shelters: havens for feminist thought reform"

And now, to perpetual champion Pam Geller, a specially engraved backwards telescope, awarded for an exemplary act of seeing things in reverse, for this humorous comment:

Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "When Bush would go to his unassuming home in Crawford, the left would excoriate him (and let's be honest, he never stopped working). Obama has never started working. He is always jetsetting round the world in his insatiable quest to be cheered and exalted."

God in heaven above, some people will claim to believe anything.

And just to be clear, Bush's "unassuming home" in Crawford, Texas was a phony stage set erected on a former pig farm, where Bush never set foot before his "election."

Oh well, that's the sort of thing that keeps Green Eagle going.


Poll P. said…
Sweet! Especially Moby Dick.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Dang, I was going to compliment you on the incisive Moby Dick Petard. Well, the whole run down is excellent but the vegetative birtherites can't be expected to understand anything beyond the immediate nor be able to nuance.
Green Eagle said…

Not that many vegetative birtherites make it to my site, and I know they are impervious to irony (particularly involving their own stupidity.) So I guess I will just have to live with the knowledge that, if they did make their way here, they wouldn't get the Moby Dick story. Or anything else, for that matter.

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