Insanity Barrier Breached!

Green Eagle wants to present to you what may be the most preposterous thing he has ever found on the internet. It is from the website of the great Henry Makow, one of the looniest of all right wingers, and easily surpasses even a lot of his ground-breaking ventures into the deep recesses of the human mind. Well, here it is, you lucky people. Prepare to be enlightened:

All Laws Exist in A Fiction

by Rob Hay-Tax Resistor

Illustration from the article. Without this, the whole thing wouldn't make any sense.

"What if I told
you, you did not live in a country, nor do you have a true name, a true birth date and you did not have to file taxes or follow any laws? As many of you scoff, stop for a moment and examine these facts."

What if I didn't have a brain? Then I would be Rob Hay. But that would be okay, because everybody knows that people without brains don't have to pay taxes. And what else matters to wingnuts? So there.

"If you look at the definitions of your Country/State/Province/City etc. you will find in the Constitution or the Interpretations Act that they are not legally defined as being on the earth."

Oh my God, what a horrible omission! And it would never do to just assume that our countries are on the earth, would it?

"Canada, for example,is defined as the land under the water according to the Interpretations Act section 35(1), "Canada", for greater certainty, includes the internal waters of Canada and the territorial sea of Canada...Nowhere in any act will you find any mention of the earth."

Which of course (apparently) means that they are not on the earth. That certainly follows logically. Listen, guy, did it ever occur to you that "includes" does not necessarily mean "only includes?" Like, your body (if it really exists) includes your liver, but it doesn't only include your liver. Get it? So,like, Canada could include both water and land. What an idea, huh? Don't buy it? Okay then, back to the article.

"Simply put, we live on a planet we call earth and not in Countries. In fact Countries are not land under the real system of law, they are imaginary Seas, upon which Admiralty Law applies and the NAMES you use are imaginary ships floating on the Sea, where Piracy reigns as the system of Commerce, between your and all the other imaginary ships."

This person actually controls the world.
Image kindly provided by Mr. Green Eagle,
for illustrative purposes only.

"But because you are not imaginary, they have to give you a play piece in the game. This is called a PERSON and its attributes are a NAME and BIRTH DATE. A name is an imaginary thing you are given, typically when you were born. However, a name is simply hearsay; you do not know what your true name is, no one does. The other attribute of a person, a Birth Date, is hearsay because no one can say when exactly the Universe was created and making use of an event such as Jesus' Death, hence A.D., is only hearsay."

If you don't know what your real name is, buddy, why do you call yourself Rob Hay? How can we trust you when you won't even use your real name, huh? Maybe because your real name is Beelzebub Cthulhu Satan, or something like that? Or maybe it's Dick Cheney?

"What they have done is to overlay an imaginary world over the earth and make you believe that it is real, when in fact it is simply fiction. So if you do not exist in their imaginary world, how is it that you must follow their laws and pay taxes? You are not responsible for paying taxes and following their laws..."

Boy, I can't wait 'till you tell them that in court. You've got a real winning argument there. Of course, I'm not sure how you are going to appear in court in an imaginary world, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

"For the USA, the Constitution there starts off with, "We the People..." Pick up any law dictionary and see if it defines people as human beings, persons or men and women created by God. It doesn't. It is so ambiguous it is ridiculous."

Now we are really on firm legal ground here. I suspect that law dictionaries define people as cows, resulting from a mistranslation of Hammurabi from 1367. So only cows have to pay taxes, when you look at it that way. And oh, the ambiguity of whether or not people are human beings, or perhaps oranges. Damn those lawyers for creating this problem.

"All laws only apply to PERSONS. If you open the King James Bible and look in Genesis Chapter 1, you will see very clearly that God did not create us as persons."

He didn't? Who knew? So God is in on it too. I should have known.

"None of the US State Constitutions define any State as being on the earth and neither does the USA Constitution describe the USA being on the earth. It is all imaginary."

Whoops, they left that out. They forgot to say "the Constitution of the United States, which is on the Earth, and not on Pluto." That means that you DON'T HAVE TO PAY ANY TAXES! Hooray!

After all, these guys are right wingers. You knew that it would always come down to that in the end, didn't you?


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