Maybe There Is Some Sanity Out There

"WICHITA, Kan.—A jury took less than 40 minutes Friday to find Scott Roeder guilty of first-degree murder for shooting abortion provider George Tiller in a church here last May."

The only thing sad about this is that, since he was convicted in a State court, he can't be sent to Guantanamo and waterboarded a couple of hundred times, so we can find out everything we can about his terrorist associates. After all, since 9/11, Roeder by himself has killed more civilians in the United States than Al Qaida.

"(Roeder's attorney) compared his client to Martin Luther King Jr. and other heroes who fought injustice around the world, saying: "We celebrate individuals who stood up and made the world a better place."

This terrorist scum should have had two or three more life sentences for allowing his attorney to say such a perverted, sick thing.

Update: This, from the L.A. Times:

"In a trial that never became the referendum on abortion that some abortion foes wanted, Scott Roeder, a 51-year-old airport shuttle driver, was convicted today of murdering George Tiller, one the nation's few physicians who performed late-term abortions."

Of course, even though the judge allowed Roeder to present his beliefs as a defense, the trial "never became the referendum on abortion that some abortion foes wanted." That's because the jury voted against Roeder, and damned quickly, too. Do you think we would have seen the same comment if they had let him go? No, the jury's decision is only a referendum on abortion if it favors the Republican view. Otherwise, it means nothing.

Well, stuff this in your pipe, guys: It was a referendum on abortion, and the anti-choice people lost, big time.


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