Halliburton Revenues Down, So Sad

This just in:

"HOUSTON—Halliburton Co. said Monday that...fourth-quarter earnings fell 48% as revenue weakened."

What a difference it makes when you don't have your corrupt CEO sitting in the vice president's chair, steering billions in no-bid contracts your way.


(O)CT(O)PUS said…
As I was reading your post, suddenly I realized: A raw onion had caused my eyes to well up.
Green Eagle said…
Love the new spelling of your name. I hope it wasn't just because those tears made it too hard to see the keyboard.

Anyway, into everyone's life a little rain must fall- even those people who bought Halliburton stock thinking their profits the last eight years were due to exemplary performance.
(O)CT(O)PUS said…
Rhymes with TschĂĽĂź and sauerpĂĽĂź.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Halliburton is now full of Strays Don't Feed 'em any more free money from American Tax Payers make them whore themselves out to Saudi Arabia, like their benefactor Dick Cheney and Bush whored out the US military to SA....
Green Eagle said…

Sad to say, even if we stomped them into the ground like the worms they are, there would be a thousand more greedy savages standing in line to take their place. Two things our country has no shortage of is morally bankrupt rich people and their lackeys.
Derek said…
Checchi & Company Consulting, Inc. profits up.

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