More Sad But True

Again, the news from the "real" world tops the demented maundering of the wingnuts:

First, this from a Democrat who apparently just woke up from an eight year nap:

"Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.) on Thursday admitted the "general feeling on the Democratic side" was that Republicans have so far been able to cast controversial protest votes and stall important legislation "with impunity."

"Some of the votes [Republicans] cast -- we would be on trial for treason if we had voted against defense appropriations in the midst of a war," he told reporters on his way to the Senate chamber. Durbin was referring to GOP members who tried to block the defense bill out of concern that a hate crimes bill was attached to it.

"They did it with impunity," Durbin lamented."

So you just noticed? And what are you going to do about it, Dick? Just roll over another thousand times? Just what will you do to see to it that Republicans can't destroy the country with impunity? Because unless you do something, they are never going to stop.

And now, here is an article from the Washington Post today, by longtime Post writer Sally Quinn. What could more openly spell out the sickness of mainstream journalism today?

"Years ago, the city looked to the White House to set the social tone...Since (Nixon), Washington has struck out on its own. New administrations have been greeted as warmly as invading armies...

When Obama was elected, people began singing "Happy Days Are Here Again." Expectations were over the top. It would be only hours before we would all be dancing on tables. They were beautiful and glamorous, hip and fun. They were the new Kennedys, and Washington would come alive again. They would set a new social tone. Young people would be out every night, partying, mixing and mingling. Members of Congress, who had been sleeping on sofas in their offices and in group houses because their families lived back in the home districts, would start accepting invitations again instead of working for 18 hours, three days a week, and then going home for four."

God forbid they should actually be working to rescue the country! No, their duty is to be out kissing up to people like you! That's what the president exists for- to stoke your sick ego.

"It was all a Camelot fantasy... People are working around the clock, and too exhausted and overextended to go out. The Obamas rarely entertain... They have hosted only one state dinner. That, unfortunately, was used to reward White House staffers instead of being an opportunity to bring in the best and the brightest from around the country...Consequently, the Obamas and many of their top advisers have not had the opportunity to circulate and meet the natives."

And of course, it turns out that "the best and the brightest" are the "natives" of Washington, i.e. you and your social climbing, smug friends.

"Indulge me for a moment on the topic of our cultural bellwether, "Avatar."

Oh God, not that. Oh well, what can we do?

"In the film, the Pandora natives worship the goddess Eywa, who is the spirit that connects them to their planet. If there is such a goddess in Washington, I believe, it is the spirit of community. Those who live here want to welcome new friends."

They want to welcome new friends. You can say that with a straight face, Sally, even though you just got done saying that "New administrations have been greeted as warmly as invading armies..."

"Washingtonians are open and willing to invite newcomers and make them part of their lives. If they can't do that, there is automatically a distance that is created so that if -- no, make that when -- the administration gets into trouble, there is too little sympathy or support."

Sally, I know you don't get it, but who the hell would want an egomaniacal, vengeful pompous ass like you for a friend? And, except for the fact that idiots like you get to spout their hateful, self-congratulatory garbage in the national media, who would give a God damn whether they had your "sympathy or support?" I think most of the rest of us are just as happy to see the president and members of Congress staying home and doing their jobs.

And here, from Dana Millbank, is the latest news on the spirit of cooperation for the good of the country, that was sparked in congressional Republicans by Obama's call for bipartisanship

"The Senate took a vote on extending the federal debt ceiling -- without which the United States would go into default. All 40 Republicans voted no.

The Senate took a vote on requiring Congress not to pass legislation that it can't pay for. All 40 Republicans voted no.

The Senate took a final vote on passing the overall plan. Thirty-nine Republicans voted no. The 40th, Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), skipped the vote."

Nice cooperation there guys. And if you think this is a one-day phenomenon, here's today's news:

"...every Senate Republican today voted against reestablishing "pay-as-you-go" budgeting rules that mandate that any new spending must be paid for. The rule passed on a 60-40 party line vote."

They would be cheering as the greatest legislation in history if there were a Republican president. Now, it can't get one vote. These people care exactly zero about the welfare of our country.

And from TPM, this news about our little darling from Alaska:

"It looks like Sarah Palin may be left holding the bag at a Tea Party event that almost no one else in the movement wants anything to do with.

The former Alaska governor still plans to speak at the much-maligned National Tea Party Convention next month in Nashville."

Well, of course. You don't think she is going to walk away from that $125,000.00 speaking fee, do you?

Finally this, from Orrin Hatch, one of the GOP's most respected statesmen. Of course, that's like saying that he is the most kissable worm in the entire back 40:

"GOP Senator Orrin Hatch is now warning that if Dems pass health care reform via reconciliation it will lead to permanent “war” between the two parties — even though he voted for more than a half dozen GOP bills passed through the process known as…reconciliation."

Permanent war? What are he and his buddies waging right now? The Republican blitzkrieg has as much chance of stopping in its tracks as Chamberlain had of talking Hitler out of invading Czechoslovakia. The only people that don't seem to get it are Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats. Anyone with a brain has understood that for years.


magpie said…
"It was all a Camelot fantasy... The Obamas rarely entertain".

A Mordred fantasy suits the GOP better these days.

"People are working around the clock"

I thought Republicans thought highly of 'hard work'?
At least when other people are being underpaid for doing it.
Green Eagle said…
Now you're asking Republicans to be consistent? Or to make sense? Or to stand by values that they have spent decades claiming to worship?

Magpie, you are sure in a hopeful mood today.

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