The Black Boehner

Harold Ford, who hopes to be the "Democratic" Senator from New York:

"To address the anxiety Americans are feeling, Mr. Ford thinks that the White House needs to focus squarely on the economy. "First we need to cut taxes for businesses in the country, small and large," he says. "We ought to provide a six-month exemption from the payroll tax for all firms less than five years old. We ought to extend the current capital gains and dividend tax rates through 2012. We ought to make permanent all the research and development tax credits for businesses making those investments. And we ought to lower the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%."

Just what we need, huh? Another so-called Democrat pushing the entire Republican everything-for-the-rich agenda. This guy is worse than Joe Lieberman. What a surprise that the Wall Street Journal is totally behind him.

How many corporate finanaced campaign commercials for this tool do you think New Yorkers will have to sit through next election?


Derek said…
Because allowing businesses to keep more money won't create jobs, right?

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