Bad News Can Be Good News

Here is some potentially good news, reported this morning at TPM:

"Pelosi: There Aren't Enough Votes To Pass The Senate Bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just told reporters that she does not believe she has enough votes in the House to pass the Senate health care reform bill as-is -- at least not yet.

"In every meeting that we have had, there would be nothing to give me any thought that that bill could pass right now the way that it is," she said. "There isn't a market right now for proceeding with the full bill unless some big changes are made."

Now that Obama and Reid can finally turn their backs on the notion that they were ever going to get sixty votes in the Senate for any kind of meaningful health care bill, they can face the choice of ending up as utter failures, or passing the bill with a simple majority through reconciliation; i.e. the way democracy is supposed to work. That means turning their backs on Max Baucus, Mary Landrieu, Evan Bayh and above all, Joe Lieberman, and showing that they intend to do their jobs despite the self-promoting obstruction of these miserable people. We never really needed them, and now they are useless. Let them join with the forces of progress, or sit on the back benches and cut deals with the Republicans.

I want to say again, that the Republicans never needed sixty votes to pass legislation, and it's about time that we figured out that the same applies for Democrats. So, how about putting back on the table a measure to allow anyone to buy into medicare?


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