Dog Whistle, What?

Digby points out that the Republican response to Obama's State of the Union address yesterday was delivered in the room where Jefferson Davis delivered his second inaugural address (not where he was inaugurated as I first had written- sorry.)

Too bad the Reich Chancellery was burned down, or they could have their response there, next year.

Note: the comment on Jefferson Davis has been changed to the right information, thanks to a correction from Derek.


Derek said…
The GOP gave it in the Virginia House of Delegates, did he not?

Davis was inaugurated in Alabama.
Green Eagle said…
Right you are, Derek. I didn't read my source closely enough. Here is the real story, from Digby:

"As a matter of historical interest, the Republican response to the President's State of the Union message was delivered from the place where Jefferson Davis gave his second inaugural address on February 22, 1862"

The same dog whistle comment still applies, however. The symbolism of this is just terrible, unless you really like slavery.
Derek said…
You know, Obama gave the state of the union speech in the Capitol building. You know how many racists spoke in that same spot! Horrible!

You are trying to draw lines where there are none. The Republican party still has a great voting record on civil rights. It seems like you are making a symbol out of something that definitely wasn't intended to mean anything.
Green Eagle said…
Obama had no choice where he gave his speech. The Republicans did.

And by the way, I only wish that racists in the Capitol were only a thing of the past.
Derek said…
"I only wish that racists in the Capitol were only a thing of the past"

Me too, but for some reason be electing liberals.
Green Eagle said…
Grow up, Derek.

"Not me- you" is abandoned by most people as a debate tactic around age 5.
Derek said…
. . .

You use it everyday.

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