Grant Swank Solves the Mideast Problem

The stupid, ignorant, malicious slime, "Rev." Grant Swank, has spread more of his hatemongering again, today at Renew America. This time, he takes on the subject of Israel, whose people turn out to be six million more pawns in his demented plans for the world:

"Grassroots Israelis true to their own heritage are angry with their politicians playing up to Barack Hussein Obama."

"Their own heritage?" And what would that be, Grant? Maybe it would have helped if you cited a single example in your article, so everybody could know that you are talking about a demented half of a percent of the Israeli population, practically all of them transplants from the good old U. S. A.

"These Israeli leaders in recent days changed their rhetoric not to offend Muslims so as not to offend Muslim Obama. Now they are slowly changing their vernacular due to pressure from the citizenry."

Muslim Obama. Well, I guess we can see where that is going. By the way, of course, no evidence at all to support this claim.

"Three cheers for the citizenry, many who say that it would be healthy for Jews to be loyal to Jews and forget the pro-Islam US Oval Office."

Listen, you stupid dick, it might be a good idea for Israelis to be loyal to Israel, just the way that we (except for people like you, and the Republican party) are loyal to America. But are you so blind as to not see that the call for people to be "loyal" to others of the same religion is the cause of more human misery in world history than any man made cause except reruns of I Love Lucy?

"Does that sound reasonable? Does that sound patriotic in the Israeli definition? Seems so to me."

Oh, it seems reasonable to you, does it? Fomenting religious hatred in an already explosive area is a really good idea, as far as you are concerned. Well, as far as I have ever seen, all you do in your writings is fomenting hatred of one kind or another, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

And by the way, what the hell do you think you mean by "patriotic in the Israeli definition?" You know what, jerk, I have lived in Israel and worked with Israelis of every kind. You know what they think is "patriotic in the Israeli definition?" Finding a way to live in peace and just have a decent life without worrying about being killed every time they walk out the front door. Of course, you are ten thousand miles away, so whether people over there live or die doesn't mean a God-damned thing to you.

"Obama wants Israeli leadership to hand over to Muslims Judea and Samaria. Why? It's all so crazy."

That would be the West Bank? Have you ever been there? It is practically all a desert so harsh that it makes the Mojave look like Central Park. And you want people to go on dying for centuries, in order that you can maintain your religious delusions? "Judea and Samaria" haven't existed for going on two thousand years. Deal with it, already.

And why is the Reverend Grant Swank content to try to keep this violence and death going on endlessly? I bet you can guess:

"Actually, peace will only come to the Middle East when Christ returns."

Well, who knew? So it's okay to let people suffer and die, so you can maintain your sick religious fantasies, and continue to use them to try to manipulate the gullible. Because you don't give a damn about Israelis, Palestinians, Jews, Arabs or any other person or thing on earth except yourself and your malignant fantasies.

So, Grant, why don't you just shut your filthy mouth about the problems in Israel, and while you are at it, how about just shutting up altogether, until a shred of human decency finds its way into your stone heart?

"Israel is the navel of the planet."

And Grant Swank is the asshole of the planet.


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