Why He Won

I've heard all this talk, from the right wing, and from the so-called mainstream press too, about how Obama has done nothing to win the Nobel Prize. They are wrong.

Here is what this amazing man did: The greatest threat in the world to peace was the fact that the most powerful military apparatus in history had fallen into the hands of a pack of insatiable warmongers, people who delighted in their ability to cause carnage, and who hungered for any chance to bring more violence into the world.

Barack Obama took this power out of their hands, without firing a shot. This is one of the greatest blows for peace ever seen in the modern era, and as people around the world recognize, it is easily deserving of the Nobel peace prize.


Poll P. said…
Well put, and exactly what I'd been thinking. His very presence and demeanor promote rationality and responsibility.
Derek said…
"Barack Obama took this power out of their hands, without firing a shot."

Only you would be so delusional to say he actually deserved it. Gitmo is still open, he is holding unlawful combatants indefinitely, we are still in Iraq, Afghanistan is going South, and he unlawfully used drone strikes on Pakistani soil.

Sounds like he deserves a peace prize to me.

Notable other peace prize winners: Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Joseph Stalin.

By those precedents, it actually seems a little better than he received the award.
Green Eagle said…
"Gitmo is still open, he is holding unlawful combatants indefinitely, we are still in Iraq, Afghanistan is going South, and he unlawfully used drone strikes on Pakistani soil."

Derek, when you show me where you criticized any of those things when Bush initiated them, and continued doing them for years on end, I will believe you are being honest about this, and are not just trying to score mindless right wing talking points.

And this: "Notable other peace prize winners: Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Joseph Stalin."

Was that some sort of attempt at a joke? Are you once again resorting to the infantile right wing habit of comparing Obama to Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin? Or do you actually believe that these guys got the Nobel Peace Prize? Either way, sort of pathetic, Derek.
Derek said…
"I will believe you are being honest about this"

I never complained, but thank you for spelling out my point that Obama is doing what Bush did while breaking his promises made during the campaign ;)

The point isn't for me to bash the president here (believe it or not), it is to show what he shouldn't have won. I agree that a president who embraces such policies should not win the nobel peace prize. My best guess is that the judges in Oslo are trying to use the award to gain leverage and make Obama scale back Afghanistan. That guess isn't too far off seeing as how he even admitted that he hadn't done enough to earn the award.

Scratch that, they were nominated. Stalin and Hitler won time person of the year, maybe that is where I am getting this.
Capt. Fogg said…
Time "Man of the Year" has never been awarded for being a wonderful person.

Almost every peace prize (and literature prize for that matter) has been controversial, but I believe it was for Obama's apparent change of direction: for asserting that we would not talk to anyone who did not agree to all our demands as a precondition that appeared to be such a departure from the status quo that it was awarded, rather than for whatever might result from the change.

It's a bit like the Prodigal Son thing if you like Biblical references.

Of course for those whose lives have become all about thwarting everything he does, it's another opportunity to go off on a tangent and distract from the sabotage and obstructionism, so why attempt actually to understand when you can snicker and snipe?
Caridnal44 said…
How xenophobic are we, the American people? Obviously, the Nobel committee wants us to know that the world appreciates the change we've made through a peaceful democratic process. Hopefully, Obama can use the stature of the prize in ways Wilson was unable to. Republican rejection of the treaty of Versailles and membership in the League of Nations then was certainly one of the root causes of World War 2 and in turn the Holocaust, even though now they characterize Democrats as Nazis.
Derek said…
"Republican rejection of the treaty of Versailles and membership in the League of Nations then was certainly one of the root causes of World War 2"

Couldn't have been appeasement, could it? NAHHHHHHHHHHHH.

The reason why Nazi's and Democrats are buddy buddy is because the Nazi's were socialists and so are the democracys. Even the SPA candidate back in the 1940's stated this:

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism”, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened"

"I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

Of course, that doesn't mean Democrats want to kill Jews or Serbs, even though they don't support Israel.
Green Eagle said…
I'll leave the rest alone, Derek, but I would like to know what fucking right you have to speak for Israel.

I am a very left wing Democrat who has lived and worked in Israel, and I support it totally. I don't think you give a God damned about Israel. Like typical conservatives, to you Israel as nothing but a tool to use to beat someone else over the head. You neither know nor care about what is in Israel's interest.
Derek said…
"I would like to know what fucking right you have to speak for Israel. "

You ignore the rest because it is true :)

What gives me the right to speak the truth? Only 6% of Jews believe Obama to be pro-Israel. 88% thought G. W. Bush was pro-Israel.

"You neither know nor care about what is in Israel's interest."

How do you know this? Here's a hint: you don't. Again, you are pulling insults from somewhere dark and smelly. I know that Israel doesn't want Hamas and Hezbollah shooting rockets and bombing buildings in Israel. Based on this, I support them, as I too do not want Hamas/Hezbollah to try and harm innocent civilians. Obama and you, on the other hand, seem to think cutting off funding to Hamas isn't worth it, and that terrorism is just one of those things you can ignore or, dare I say it, hope away.

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