What Did You Expect?

Senator Olympia Snowe, our new BFF:

"Asked further whether she would participate in a filibuster on a bill with a public option, she went almost all the way.

"I've said, I'm against a public option...yes...it would be difficult" to support allowing the bill to proceed to a vote."

I've said it before: ALL Republicans are corrupt tools of the rich. Every single one of them. Work with them and they are only going to stab you in the back. There is no such thing as an honest Republican, and most of them are half insane these days, too.

Any decent thing that happens in this country will take place in spite of Republicans, not because of them. It's about time that the Democratic party openly recognized that fact. Although, given the tidal wave of abuse that Obama is receiving for even admitting that Fox News is a Republican propaganda channel, something which any sentient person knows to be true, I can see why it's hard for Dems to speak the truth.


Derek said…
"ALL Republicans are corrupt tools of the rich. "

Democrats make 7% more on average.
Green Eagle said…
And, of course, Derek, I do not mean everyone who votes for the Republican party. I mean the leaders, who are selected by a process that sees to it that they know their duty before they get the money necessary to run a Republican campaign.

And remember that, like everywhere, conservatism tends to have a somewhat greater appeal in rural areas where incomes are lower. The only area in the country now where a majority identify themselves as Republicans is the South, which contains a number of the most rural, least developed states in the country.
Derek said…
"And remember that, like everywhere, conservatism tends to have a somewhat greater appeal in rural areas where incomes are lower. The only area in the country now where a majority identify themselves as Republicans is the South, which contains a number of the most rural, least developed states in the country."

Party identification or ideology? A majority of Americans identify as conservative.

Besides, if you want to talk campaign financing, look no further than barry o's campaign. How much more money did he spend than McCain? And he only won by how much?
Green Eagle said…
"A majority of Americans identify as conservative."

This is the result of decades of Republican demonizing of the word "liberal." Americans in polls agree with the liberal position on almost every issue, even they have been intimidated into not publicly identifying themselves as liberals.

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