Sorry, Orly

Via TPM, the really important news of the day:

"A U.S. District Court judge has dismissed one of Orly Taitz's birther lawsuits, saying it would be unconstitutional for the courts to "effectively overthrow a sitting president."

You go, girl.

Orly's string of defeats is beginning to make her look like that other famous Southern California institution, the L. A. Clippers. At least the Clippers win sometimes. And Orly doesn't even get a shot at the draft lottery as a reward for losing.


Green Eagle said…

You commented "In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right...and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win."

Of course, I agree with you. The problem is that, in order to win elections over the last three decades, they have pandered to these people to the point where their beliefs, which look so lunatic to the rest of us, are held by a large portion of their voters. And the religious nature of these people's beliefs, which you point out, means that they are unlikely to ever be convinced to think otherwise.

Like their friends in American business, the Republicans have created a real, long term problem for themselves by pursuing easy short term gain. I really don't see how they escape from this trap.

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