Obama Leave

From Dave Niewert at Crooks And Liars, a post featuring a short video, with the following message:

"Delusions of grandeur: Militia video warns President Obama to leave the country by Oct. 15"

From an unknown group, but just one more sign of the movement on the right toward some sort of open, violent rebellion. It will undoubtedly amount to nothing more than a pathetic waste of innocent human lives, like their last great blow for freedom in Oklahoma City some years ago, but that won't stop them.

It has been obvious for some time now that this is what they want. The video is short- take a look.


Derek said…
"but just one more sign of the movement on the right toward some sort of open, violent rebellion"

How many times must I tell you? You comparing this to right wing mainstream is like me comparing greenpeace, ALF, PETA, or weathermen to the mainstream left.

"like their last great blow for freedom in Oklahoma City some years ago"

Did you just say that the Oklahoma City bombing was tied to a right-wing movement? It was done because of Waco and Ruby Ridge. It is sad that I was in elementary school at the time yet know more about went on than you, GE.
Green Eagle said…
No it's not, Derek. I've watched the march of this sort of thing from the fringe into the mainstream of the Republican party for forty years now, and I have seen them one by one embrace ideas that would have been considered loathsome a couple of decades ago. There are no Democrats in Congress or in the White House endorsing the views of the weathermen or PETA, and there never will be. Yet we constantly see the likes of Michelle Bachmann and Tom Coburn and dozens of others I could name, pushing the most ludicrous of right wing lies.

And I don't want to argue with you about Aristotelian four cause theory, but the Oklahoma City bombing was a product of right wing groups whose views are closer to mainstream Republican claims every year. To deny that Terry McVeigh and his associates were right wingers is more than confusion, it is deliberate falsehood.
Derek said…
"No it's not, Derek."

Nuh uh!

"and I have seen them one by one embrace ideas that would have been considered loathsome a couple of decades ago."

Such as? Again, give me something to work with.

"pushing the most ludicrous of right wing lies."

Such as?

"the views of the weathermen or PETA"

weathermen: not any more, except for the whole democracy/socialism thing.

PETA: in terms of regulation on agriculture, livestock, and fossil fuel regulation, yes they do.

"was a product of right wing groups whose views are closer to mainstream Republican claims every year"

So you are saying that Waco and Ruby Ridge were conservative, and not only that, because they were somehow conservative, the Oklahoma city bombing occurred directly because of conservatism?

That is like me saying that Clinton is the one who caused 9/11 because he refused to capture Bin Laden.

You are going down a very very very long chain of loosely related events in an attempt to tie conservatism to crazy people

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