You Didn't Think I'd TOTALLY Forgotten Her, Did You?

From the newly reformed Little Green Footballs:

"Orly Taitz, queen bee of the Birther movement at the Nashville Tea Party Convention, uncorks some classic paranoid fantasies...Obama has 39 Social Security numbers, according to Taitz, one of them issued to a man born over 100 years ago."

Just to keep you up to date. I know how much everyone cares.


Poll P. said…
She is soooo crazy!!!!
Shaw Kenawe said…
Hey. Even dumb people need someone to look up to. That's why Ms. Sarah is so popular.
Derek said…
. . . how would one go about finding out the Presidents SSN let alone 39 of them?
magpie said…
And what does 39 Social Security numbers allow him to do that the most powerful man in the world can't otherwise do?
Green Eagle said…
Why, it allows him to get work as a gardener, like all of the other illegal aliens. After all, he has to give some thought for what to do after he is impeached.

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