Bipartisanship- It's A One Way Street

"Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate's top Republican, "promised Sunday morning that he and his members will attend President Obama's health care summit on Thursday 'ready to participate’ but said the Democrats are being 'arrogant' by refusing to scrap their legislation and start over"

It is arrogant for Democrats in the Senate to pass legislation with 60 votes, and then not throw it out the window when Republicans object.

Democracy, Republican style.


Derek said…
If the idea is to work together to form some piece of legislation, the idea of a healthcare summit, it isn't asking too much for Democrats to scrap their current plan. The whole idea is to collaborate but if Democrats refuse to scrap their current bill then there is no point in collaborating.

Understand? The Dems could say they are bipartisan, using this summit only as a political move, and continue with their current plans, thus continuing to shut out Republican ideas but have the benefit of saying "well we tried!"
The Democrats already gave a way single payer and the public option among other things. It's long past time to drop this notion that "bipartisanship" will lead to anything. The republicans only want to obstruct and protect the status quo. Screw them.

I do agree with Derek in that the Democrats should scrap the current plan and start over with one that really does reform health insurance and gaurentees everyone has it.

Thanks for your open mind Derek. I underestimated you my friend.

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