Wingnut Wrapup
I've got to clear the decks here for tomorrow's avalanche of adulation over the "Mount Vernon Statement" (see below) so here is what the right has been blathering about the last few days:
First I'd like to spend a little time on the greatest synthetic scandal of the year, "Climategate," in which climate scientists reveal themselves to be unprinicpled liars. The latest involves supposed statements of one Phil Jones, which have been totally discredited, not the least by Mr. Jones himself, who says that he never believed or stated any such thing. That doesn't slow down the right wing lie machine, however. Here are seven articles from one website, Pajamas Media, covering this nonexistent, fabricated scandal:
"Climategate: Not Enough, Phil — Skeptics' Careers, Lives Have Been Endangered...Phil Jones came clean? Wake me when the death threats stop."
"Per a Phil Jones interview with the BBC, confirmation that the temperature record of the CRU is little better than a fabrication."
"Climategate: Phil Jones Finally Proves Al Gore Right — The Debate Is Over...CRU's Phil Jones just ended it via the BBC"
"Climategate: Phil Jones, Head of CRU, Comes Clean"
"Climategate: Phil Jones Still Has More Reflecting To Do...Jones conceded a little, but he remains unwilling to take a more objective view of climate science."
"Climategate: So Jones Lost the Data? It Was Worthless, Anyway"
"Climategate: What Did Phil Jones Actually Admit? Was He Correct?...D'Aleo takes a look at Jones' shockingly candid answers to the embattled scientist's interview with the BBC yesterday."
I'm not even going to dignify this with a comment. Let's move on:
Erick Erickson, Red State: "We hear this all time — conservatives in the GOP have to play nice with the moderates. We never hear the other, that moderates should play nice with conservatives. Why is that?"
Maybe it's because there are no moderates in the GOP. Or maybe it's because it's the conservatives who are corrupt, lying smear masters without a shred of human decency. Personally, I vote for number two.
Ann Coulter: "How Long Are We Going to Pretend That Joe Biden Is Not Just Some Drunken Irishman Embarrassing Obama?"
At least, while he was drunk, he never shot anyone in the face. Remember when that happened, Ann? Now, that is what I call embarrassing.
World Net Daily: "Drop blood pressure up to 60 points!"
Stop reading World Net Daily
Yeah, o astute ones. The plan involves electing more liberal Senators. Really sneaky, huh? And so far, it's working out pretty well.
William T. Quick, Pajamas Media: "GOP Risks Being Swept Away Unless They Adopt Tea Party Principles"
What, lying and pandering to people's greed and hate? Sorry to let you in on the secret, Bill, but the GOP is way ahead of you guys on that one.
Jim Hoft, Pajamas Media: "Crow Nation Members Holds First Tea Party Rally in Montana"

And here is the only picture of this rally that I could find. Looks like it attracted a massive crowd of oh, say, three people. A real movement you are building there, guys.
Nick Gillespie, Big Government: "What if you were injured and developed severe pain that wouldn’t go away? Would your government let you take the kind of pain medication you need? If federal officials follow the recommendation of a Food and Drug Administration panel, many of the most effective prescription painkillers—including Vicodin, Percocet, and countless generics—would be banned."
Don't get in a panic, Nick. I'm sure this won't interfere with Rush Limbaugh's oxycontin supply.
"RenewAmerica's Facebook page draws 3,000 fans in its first three months"
My sons have a friend who posted a film of a GTR crashing running a canyon in L.A. It got 165,000 hits the first weekend. Deal with it, suckers.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "After 13 years, I really believed WND would have inspired all kinds of competition doing what we are doing...Yet today there is still nothing like WND anywhere else – on the Internet, on TV, in print or in any other venue."
Yeah, but there is plenty like WND in the nation's mental hospitals. So don't worry, Joseph. We're not running out of people like you.
World Net Daily: "Beginning today, WND is offering readers the opportunity to send exquisitely designed and bound copies of the Constitution to Barack Obama and the leaders of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
For only $9.99, including Fed Ex shipping you can deliver to Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid copies of the nation's founding document so they will have no excuses as to the legal limitations on their power."
Green Eagle is offering readers the opportunity to send copies of the constitution via e-mail to Barack et. al. for the one time only price of $0.00. Just as good, and doesn't finance assholes.
World Net Daily: "Is this incredible thing in heavens a sign from God? The truth is, we're still struggling to understand what this means"

But Green Eagle understands what it means. Yes he does. It means that you are even stupider than he thought you were.
What is this, anyway, an outtake from Spaceballs? Or the Grand Cosmic Mezuzzeh, coming to blight the earth for failing to get excited enough about Purim?
Martha Zoller, Human Events: "Is the Obama Agenda to Blame for the Toyota Recall Media Boom?"
Oh God, I knew it. He stuck those gas pedals down all by himself. It's so obvious when you think about it.
Chuck Norris, Human Events: "Ready for Feds in Your Kitchen?"
Only if they can make good risotto.
Gary Andres, Weekly Standard: "How the Health Care Summit Could Backfire on Democrats"
What, like the Republicans might show up and not act like a bunch of anti-American, corrupt jerks? Fat chance, Gary.
First I'd like to spend a little time on the greatest synthetic scandal of the year, "Climategate," in which climate scientists reveal themselves to be unprinicpled liars. The latest involves supposed statements of one Phil Jones, which have been totally discredited, not the least by Mr. Jones himself, who says that he never believed or stated any such thing. That doesn't slow down the right wing lie machine, however. Here are seven articles from one website, Pajamas Media, covering this nonexistent, fabricated scandal:
"Climategate: Not Enough, Phil — Skeptics' Careers, Lives Have Been Endangered...Phil Jones came clean? Wake me when the death threats stop."
"Per a Phil Jones interview with the BBC, confirmation that the temperature record of the CRU is little better than a fabrication."
"Climategate: Phil Jones Finally Proves Al Gore Right — The Debate Is Over...CRU's Phil Jones just ended it via the BBC"
"Climategate: Phil Jones, Head of CRU, Comes Clean"
"Climategate: Phil Jones Still Has More Reflecting To Do...Jones conceded a little, but he remains unwilling to take a more objective view of climate science."
"Climategate: So Jones Lost the Data? It Was Worthless, Anyway"
"Climategate: What Did Phil Jones Actually Admit? Was He Correct?...D'Aleo takes a look at Jones' shockingly candid answers to the embattled scientist's interview with the BBC yesterday."
I'm not even going to dignify this with a comment. Let's move on:
Erick Erickson, Red State: "We hear this all time — conservatives in the GOP have to play nice with the moderates. We never hear the other, that moderates should play nice with conservatives. Why is that?"
Maybe it's because there are no moderates in the GOP. Or maybe it's because it's the conservatives who are corrupt, lying smear masters without a shred of human decency. Personally, I vote for number two.
Ann Coulter: "How Long Are We Going to Pretend That Joe Biden Is Not Just Some Drunken Irishman Embarrassing Obama?"
At least, while he was drunk, he never shot anyone in the face. Remember when that happened, Ann? Now, that is what I call embarrassing.
World Net Daily: "Drop blood pressure up to 60 points!"
Stop reading World Net Daily
Yeah, o astute ones. The plan involves electing more liberal Senators. Really sneaky, huh? And so far, it's working out pretty well.
William T. Quick, Pajamas Media: "GOP Risks Being Swept Away Unless They Adopt Tea Party Principles"
What, lying and pandering to people's greed and hate? Sorry to let you in on the secret, Bill, but the GOP is way ahead of you guys on that one.
Jim Hoft, Pajamas Media: "Crow Nation Members Holds First Tea Party Rally in Montana"

And here is the only picture of this rally that I could find. Looks like it attracted a massive crowd of oh, say, three people. A real movement you are building there, guys.
Nick Gillespie, Big Government: "What if you were injured and developed severe pain that wouldn’t go away? Would your government let you take the kind of pain medication you need? If federal officials follow the recommendation of a Food and Drug Administration panel, many of the most effective prescription painkillers—including Vicodin, Percocet, and countless generics—would be banned."
Don't get in a panic, Nick. I'm sure this won't interfere with Rush Limbaugh's oxycontin supply.
"RenewAmerica's Facebook page draws 3,000 fans in its first three months"
My sons have a friend who posted a film of a GTR crashing running a canyon in L.A. It got 165,000 hits the first weekend. Deal with it, suckers.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "After 13 years, I really believed WND would have inspired all kinds of competition doing what we are doing...Yet today there is still nothing like WND anywhere else – on the Internet, on TV, in print or in any other venue."
Yeah, but there is plenty like WND in the nation's mental hospitals. So don't worry, Joseph. We're not running out of people like you.
World Net Daily: "Beginning today, WND is offering readers the opportunity to send exquisitely designed and bound copies of the Constitution to Barack Obama and the leaders of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
For only $9.99, including Fed Ex shipping you can deliver to Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid copies of the nation's founding document so they will have no excuses as to the legal limitations on their power."
Green Eagle is offering readers the opportunity to send copies of the constitution via e-mail to Barack et. al. for the one time only price of $0.00. Just as good, and doesn't finance assholes.
World Net Daily: "Is this incredible thing in heavens a sign from God? The truth is, we're still struggling to understand what this means"

But Green Eagle understands what it means. Yes he does. It means that you are even stupider than he thought you were.
What is this, anyway, an outtake from Spaceballs? Or the Grand Cosmic Mezuzzeh, coming to blight the earth for failing to get excited enough about Purim?
Martha Zoller, Human Events: "Is the Obama Agenda to Blame for the Toyota Recall Media Boom?"
Oh God, I knew it. He stuck those gas pedals down all by himself. It's so obvious when you think about it.
Chuck Norris, Human Events: "Ready for Feds in Your Kitchen?"
Only if they can make good risotto.
Gary Andres, Weekly Standard: "How the Health Care Summit Could Backfire on Democrats"
What, like the Republicans might show up and not act like a bunch of anti-American, corrupt jerks? Fat chance, Gary.