Wingnut Wrapup
The wingnuts are feeling their oats today, and where they go, Green Eagle follows:
Town Hall: "The third and final day of the conservative political action conference is off to a hot start, and Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck are getting ready for their big speeches coming up soon!"
Oh boy! I can hardly wait! Honey, bring in the popcorn.
Ken Blackwell, Town Hall: "The blogs have been having a lot of fun with Vice President Joe Biden’s latest gaffe. The veep claimed that the U.S. would be the world economic leader “throughout the twentieth century.”
That's a gaffe? We would have been if it weren't for you crooks. Interesting that it wasn't a gaffe to claim that the war in Iraq would be over in six weeks.
Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: "Where Are Conservatives Going?"
To hell in a handbasket. Guys, just make it fast, please.
And now, Green Eagle's award for Ominous Sounding but Completely Meaningless Headline:
Dave Poff, Red State: "Barack Obama: A Candle With Two Wicks"
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Something bad, I guess.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama’s ACORN group was banned from receiving federal funds in September after the group was busted on tape promoting the child sex slave trade."
Yes, Jim, but their funds were restored after they were found to be totally innocent of this lying right wing smear. You forgot to mention that part. Just an accident, I guess. Deadline approaching and all- no time for the truth.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Harry Reid Says He Supports Passing Nationalized Health Care With 51 Votes...Several protesters met unpopular politicians Harry Reid and Barack Obama today in Las Vegas."
Well, good for Harry. Following tradition, Green Eagle brings you Jim's picture of this mass protest:

The thunderous voice of the American people will be heard!
Now, I must admit that I found some other photos of this event which were in a format that I could not place here. The most people I could count in any photo was 10. And two of them were holding a large banner saying: "Obama Give Wild Horses and Burros a Fair Share of Public Land" Boy, that's telling 'em.
If you want to see the other pictures for yourself, you can find them here.
Andrew Breitbart: "“The left’s Alinsky tactics — that’s you Rachel Maddow — of isolating Sarah Palin or her poor children and beating on them, beating on them, beating on them … [won’t succeed] with the tea party movement."
Alinsky? Listen, Andy- at work, I've found that most people don't even know what tea parties are. Alinsky? Who? And did he really like to beat on children?
Listen, keep this line of argument alive- it's really going to work for you. No, I mean really.
Bob Unruh, World Net Daily: "Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit."
Boy is Green Eagle going to be watching for that one, after the great success of their general strike last month, and after their national teabag convention attracted SIX HUNDRED people.
And this, just to let us know that America's sweetheart, Sher Zieve is still out there looking on the bright side of things:
Sher Zieve, Renew America: "The malevolent triumvirate of Obama, Pelosi and Reid continues to look under every possible rock in order to find ways to bypass, suppress and crush the will — if not the minds and bodies — of the American people"
What a way you have with words, Sher.
Michael Gaynor, Renew America: "Smart Sarah Palin, yes! "
If by smart, you mean "will stoop to anything." Kind of the same sort of smart that we came to know so well in that brilliant political thinker, Karl Rove.
Reverend Grant Swank, Renew America: "Isn't it thrilling to see these Tea Bag zealots lifting loftily the virtues America was known for decades ago?"
What, slavery?
Jon N. Hall, American Thinker: "why not suspend the Corporation Income Tax altogether? "
Oh, I don't know. How could it hurt? It's not like we need the revenue or anything.
Town Hall: "The third and final day of the conservative political action conference is off to a hot start, and Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck are getting ready for their big speeches coming up soon!"
Oh boy! I can hardly wait! Honey, bring in the popcorn.
Ken Blackwell, Town Hall: "The blogs have been having a lot of fun with Vice President Joe Biden’s latest gaffe. The veep claimed that the U.S. would be the world economic leader “throughout the twentieth century.”
That's a gaffe? We would have been if it weren't for you crooks. Interesting that it wasn't a gaffe to claim that the war in Iraq would be over in six weeks.
Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: "Where Are Conservatives Going?"
To hell in a handbasket. Guys, just make it fast, please.
And now, Green Eagle's award for Ominous Sounding but Completely Meaningless Headline:
Dave Poff, Red State: "Barack Obama: A Candle With Two Wicks"
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Something bad, I guess.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Obama’s ACORN group was banned from receiving federal funds in September after the group was busted on tape promoting the child sex slave trade."
Yes, Jim, but their funds were restored after they were found to be totally innocent of this lying right wing smear. You forgot to mention that part. Just an accident, I guess. Deadline approaching and all- no time for the truth.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Harry Reid Says He Supports Passing Nationalized Health Care With 51 Votes...Several protesters met unpopular politicians Harry Reid and Barack Obama today in Las Vegas."
Well, good for Harry. Following tradition, Green Eagle brings you Jim's picture of this mass protest:

The thunderous voice of the American people will be heard!
Now, I must admit that I found some other photos of this event which were in a format that I could not place here. The most people I could count in any photo was 10. And two of them were holding a large banner saying: "Obama Give Wild Horses and Burros a Fair Share of Public Land" Boy, that's telling 'em.
If you want to see the other pictures for yourself, you can find them here.
Andrew Breitbart: "“The left’s Alinsky tactics — that’s you Rachel Maddow — of isolating Sarah Palin or her poor children and beating on them, beating on them, beating on them … [won’t succeed] with the tea party movement."
Alinsky? Listen, Andy- at work, I've found that most people don't even know what tea parties are. Alinsky? Who? And did he really like to beat on children?
Listen, keep this line of argument alive- it's really going to work for you. No, I mean really.
Bob Unruh, World Net Daily: "Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit."
Boy is Green Eagle going to be watching for that one, after the great success of their general strike last month, and after their national teabag convention attracted SIX HUNDRED people.
And this, just to let us know that America's sweetheart, Sher Zieve is still out there looking on the bright side of things:
Sher Zieve, Renew America: "The malevolent triumvirate of Obama, Pelosi and Reid continues to look under every possible rock in order to find ways to bypass, suppress and crush the will — if not the minds and bodies — of the American people"
What a way you have with words, Sher.
Michael Gaynor, Renew America: "Smart Sarah Palin, yes! "
If by smart, you mean "will stoop to anything." Kind of the same sort of smart that we came to know so well in that brilliant political thinker, Karl Rove.
Reverend Grant Swank, Renew America: "Isn't it thrilling to see these Tea Bag zealots lifting loftily the virtues America was known for decades ago?"
What, slavery?
Jon N. Hall, American Thinker: "why not suspend the Corporation Income Tax altogether? "
Oh, I don't know. How could it hurt? It's not like we need the revenue or anything.
Uhhh we were in the 20th century. Maybe you made the same mistake as Biden and think that it is currently the 20th century.
We were a world economic leader in the 20th century (aka 1900-1999).
See it now?