Wingnut Wrapup- Not Sarah's Speech Edition

I had sort of planned on doing a whole column of conservative comments on Sarah's $100,000 speech, but the reaction to her boring drivel was so boring itself that I didn't get that far. I've got a couple of items about it below, but really, who cares?

Jillian Bandes. Town Hall: "If you read any of the extensive coverage of the Tea Party Convention going on this weekend in Nashville, TN, be prepared for dramatic stories of rampant grassroots infighting. The real story is much different."

The real story is that this mighty revolutionary movement managed to get a grand total of 600 people to show up at its national convention. No one seems to have noticed that.

John Hinderaker, Power Line: "President Obama's approval ratings spiked up rather alarmingly in the wake of his State of the Union speech"

Well, alarmingly to some people, John. You'd better get on that with some fresh lies- the old ones don't seem to be working any more.

Mark Steyn,National Review Online: "An economically illiterate narcissist in the Oval Office is never going to rein in unsustainable spending in any meaningful sense"

Oh, you figured that out, did you? Nine years too late.

Ollie North, Professional Traitor: " Obama is treating military "like lab rats in a radical social experiment."

Well, better than treating them as cannon fodder in a failed war of aggression. At least no one ever died or ended up with no arms or legs from being in the same platoon with a gay guy. Why don't we ask some soldiers which sounds like a better deal to them- bunking next to a homosexual or being blown to smithereens?

Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: " If Sarah Palin is the future of the conservative movement, then one thing can be certain: leadership isn't going to suffer from a lack of support."

At least from the six hundred people that showed up to the teabag convention. The other three hundred million of us? Not so much, Jillian.

Erick Erickson: "The best thing to happen to the tea party movement is Sarah Palin. It is very clear she did not know the circumstances involved in finding the money to get her to Nashville."
"Sarah Palin’s governance shows she not only talks the talk, but walks the walk."

Oh, of course she didn't know where the money came from. Of course. Or care, really, as long as the check doesn't bounce. And as for her governance showing that she walks the walk, I see your point, Erick. She walked the walk right away from her job of governing. Did you think we had already blocked that out of our minds like you?

Scott Johnson, Power Line: "What is it about Palin that drives liberals so crazy? Maybe it's the fact that she seems so happy. The most fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives tend to be happy people, while liberals tend to be unhappy."

Number one, what drives us crazy is that she is an ignorant, lying, self serving demagogue who makes Huey Long look like Mother Teresa. Number two, I've been to tea parties. Those people are filled with rage and hate. That's what you call happy?

Austin Hill, Town Hall: "Obama Helping Haitians While Ignoring Americans on Haitian Soil"

What a crime. Helping people who suffered a tragedy in which over a hundred thousand people died, while not helping some religious fanatics caught kidnapping children. That's the upside down morality of liberals, yes sir.

Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Katie Couric, Harper Bazaar's affable Eva Braun, is doing another interview with Mister Verbal Diarrhea.

A new tasteless nickname for Obama from Miss Hatemonger of the Year, with an added and utterly incomprehensible Nazi reference, somehow comparing a journalist with Hitler's girlfriend, with whom she has nothing in common. You're the best, Pammy.

Reverend Grant Swank, Renew America: "Obama: show your birth papers...Isn't this what makes patriots distrust Marxist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama all the more? Those familiar with Islam know that Islamics are commissioned by their deity to lie. Lying is a virtue to Muslims."

Apparently it's a pretty good idea for Christians, too, Reverend.

Joseph Farah founder and editor, World Net Daily: "Is WND schizophrenic?"

No, Joseph. Just its founder and editor.

Star Parker, World Net Daily: "Rewarding failure – only in Washington"

Rewarding failure would never happen in the world of free enterprise, right? Say, on Wall Street? They'd never reward failure there. I see your point there, Star.


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