Stimulus Truth

From Reuters:

"The massive stimulus package passed last year to blunt the impact of the worst U.S. recession in 70 years created up to 2.1 million jobs in the last three months of 2009, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday.

The package boosted the economy by up to 3.5 percent and lowered the unemployment rate by up to 2.1 percent during that period, CBO said."

As I have said before, the truth is not that the stimulus didn't work, the truth is that Republican stewardship of our economy, along classic conservative lines, left the country in far worse shape than anyone realized.

Yet you will continue to hear, all over our alleged media, Republican claims that the stimulus was a failure, without any challenge to their lies. This is how Republicans regain their electoral competitiveness- with the blatant collaboration of the press.

What's more:

"The package is likely to have the greatest impact this year, according to CBO. It is expected to boost GDP by between 1.4 percent and 4 percent and bring down the unemployment rate by between 0.7 percent and 1.8 percent in 2010, higher figures than last year when many of its programs were being set up."

But the lies will continue- you can count on that. After all, an election is coming up, and if the press doesn't help the Republicans get back in power, they won't have any more national disasters to report.


Derek said…
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Green Eagle said…
I have deleted a post from Derek which called me a liar and responded to my quoting from CBO estimates with an entirely dataless chart from another lying right wing website.

The truth hurts, doesn't it, Derek?
Derek said…
That chart (it was a graph) was from the the White House. Are they a lying right wing website?

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