Good News, or just More Blather?

News today that Harry Reid has stated publicly that he will support a public option health care reform, through reconciliation.

This will be amazing if it turns out to be true, but unfortunately we have all become familiar in recent months with just how little Harry Reid's support amounts to.

On the other hand, there seems to be a growing willingness among Democratic Senators to do just that. Leaving aside, for a moment, the fact that it is about time that the United States joins the entire rest of the industrialized world in striking a fair balance between corporate profits and the health of its populace, it sure would be a wonderful thing to see the looks on Republicans' faces when it dawned on them that they could have had a far weaker law, if they had just stopped being such intransigent dicks, and took the Senate bill that was passed last fall.

Too good to be true, probably. Green Eagle is such a dreamer.


Derek said…
It'd be political suicide for them to try and pass it through reconciliation. The legality of passing a healthcare reform bill through reconciliation is questionable at best.
Poll P. said…
The Dem's have a responsibility to represent the will of their electorate, who overwhelmingly need affordable healthcare, and a moral imperative to push back against the powers of greed.
Green Eagle said…
Political suicide? You know what, Derek? It's about time that we have some leaders who do the right thing for the American people, regardless of what happens to their own careers. I know that thought is anathema to Republicans, who care about nothing but themselves, but somewhere there are people who understand that they were elected to serve the American people.
Derek said…
"regardless of what happens to their own careers."

But the reason why it is political suicide determines whether they should carry out that action. The legality of trying to use reconciliation to pass a healthcare reform bill is questionable at best. To do so would infuriate many Americans as it shows the willingness of Democrats to break the law in order to push their agenda.

Utilitarianism aside, Americans don't want the government making a power grab or breaking the law.
Green Eagle said…
Fuck you, Derek. The Democrats have a right to pass any legislation by a 51 point margin, just like any other majority- Just the way Bush and Reagan passed their tax cuts for the rich. You are nothing but a little baby, whining away because you can't get your way.

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