Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, they're still here, they're still angry, and they're still lying. And Green Eagle is watching:

John Campbell, Town Hall: "Are Democrats Fit to Lead?"

Oh no, of course not. Let's go back to Bush and Cheney, and Tom DeLay and Newt Gingrich. Hell, let's just skip the amateurs and go right for Mussolini. Now there's a guy who knew how to lead.

Ben Shapiro, Town Hall: "Obama's Philosophically Fascist State of the Union Address"

And what is Ben's evidence? Here it is:

"President Obama is, however, a man who embodies all the personal characteristics of a fascist leader, right down to the arrogant chin-up head tilt he utilizes when waiting for applause."

Keep your chin down, Barack, and apparently you will then be a great patriot. That's all there is to it. Simple, really, when you understand things. Ben continues:

"It would be pointless to discuss at length the dictatorial, demagogic nature of much of Obama's address"

And impossible too, since this is all another stupid right wing lie. But it is interesting that Ben isn't even interested in providing any evidence for his claim that Barack is a fascist, isn't it?

Pam Geller, Big Government: "Persecution of a Patriot:
James O’Keefe, along with Hannah Giles, broke one of the biggest investigative news stories since Watergate on the systemic corruption of radical left governmental organizations."

Boy, times have changed. It used to be that patriots risked danger defending our country. Now all you have to do is dress up in a pimp suit, and tell a bunch of lies about Democrats.

Confederate Yankee: "Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Six More Weeks of Climate Change Fraud"

Apparently, anti-global warming stooges have run out of humans to tell their lies, and are now relying on small furry animals. Nice try there.

Gateway Pundit: "Sarah Palin: Why I’m Speaking in Nashville at the Tea Party Convention"

$115,000. That's why.

Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Obama and Marxist Dems primed to end USA by 2011"

Well, now you know. I'm glad they finally put a date on it. Of course, that's only if Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman agree.

Ann Coulter, Town Hall: "Matthews and Olbermann Now Openly Fighting Over Obama"

I usually utterly ignore the largely forgotten has-been, Ann Coulter. I liked this article, however, because it reflects the right wing amazement at the idea that Democrats can actually have their own ideas, and that they dare to say something that doesn't come from party talking points, without being humiliated and made to apologize the next day.

Moe Lane, Red State, Quoting the Washington Post: "Obama used the same language toward Republicans as he did toward extremists in the Muslim world in his inaugural address. Of Republicans, he said Wednesday, “We extend a hand and get a fist in return.” In his inaugural address last year, he said the United States “will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.”

First of all, Moe, Muslim extremists and Christian extremists get the same language, because THEY ARE THE SAME! Deal with it.

Second, Moe, do you know anything at all about our history in the mideast? For the last century, practically every hand extended by the West to the Arab world had a gun in it, usually in active use at the time. That's really not that good a way to make friends.

Red State: "JD Hayworth: Why I Will Challenge John McCain"

Not because he is a disingenuous unprincipled hypocrite, no.....It's because he isn't crazy enough. Bet that surprised you, huh?

Gateway Pundit: "Busted– The Left’s Racist Smear Campaign Against James O’Keefe a Complete Fabrication"

Except that it was true. With that exception, it was a complete fabrication.

Newsmax: "Experts: Obama Administration’s Mishandling of 9/11 Trials Threaten Conviction"

Of course, the Bush administration didn't threaten their conviction by holding them without charges for years, despite the constitution's requirement that they be given a speedy trial, and torturing them along the way. Oh no, it's all Obama's fault. As usual.

Pammy Geller, Newsmax: "Documentary Shows Teen Girls' Sexual Depravity"

I bet you were really on top of that one, huh, Pammy?

Marie Jon, Renew America analyst: "The president must lead America conservatively"

After all, we still have a depression to get going here, more enemies to torture, and lots more brown people to kill. So far, he's failed on all those issues. And the middle class still has some money left that belongs to the hyper rich!

Sort of makes you miss John McCain, right? No? Well, no accounting for some people's tastes.


Poll P. said…
Pammy is in fine smut-minded form. Keep keeping YOUR chinup, G.E.
Green Eagle said…
Parrots don't have chins. So I'll just have to keep my beak up.

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