The Sickness Never Ends

From the New York Times:

"PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — The police in El Salvador have begun an investigation into whether a man suspected of leading a trafficking ring involving Central American and Caribbean women and girls is also a legal adviser to the Americans charged with trying to take 33 children out of Haiti without permission.

When the judge presiding over the Haitian case learned on Thursday of the investigation in El Salvador, he said he would begin his own inquiry of the adviser, a Dominican man who was in the judge’s chambers days before."

I guess I am not jaundiced enough to follow this story to its logical conclusion, but if it turns out to be true, we could be on the verge of hearing one of the sickest tales in modern history. Even Green Eagle isn't quite ready to think about what a can of maggots may have been opened by these people's arrest.


magpie said…
This might be another sort of story, actually.

"...Jorge Puello, a Dominican who CLAIMED (my emphasis) to be a lawyer for most of the group’s members". I don't read that the Church says they hired him.

The NY Times article also notes: " Asked about the judge’s decision to delay the Americans’ release, Louis Gary Lissade, a lawyer for one detainee, voiced frustration. “My client never chose Mr. Puello,” said Mr. Lissade, a former Haitian minister of justice who represents Jim Allen. “In fact, I don’t even know whether anyone chose Mr. Puello to represent the group.” Judge Saint-Vil said he had no choice but to delay the group’s release until he knew more about Mr. Puello’s identity, any ties he might have to trafficking and what, if anything, the Americans knew about him. "

Why does a Haitian judge take an interest in someone the Salvadorans want the Dominicans to arrest - by not releasing the Americans - when it's not even clear that this someone is even really connected to them? Something smells.

The Americans were about to be released, provided a representative stays in Haiti. That representative is implied to be Puello.
Is he avoiding arrest by the Dominicans if he stays in Haiti?
(O)CT(O)PUS said…
Interesting story, Green Eagle. It definitely has a bad aroma, but what kind?
Green Eagle said…
I hope Magpie is right. I'd hate to think that a bunch of supposed religious people were engaged in what used to be called "white slavery." But after we found out that Pat Robertson was involved in the blood diamond business, I don't think I'd put anything past them.

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