What Do You Expect?

A couple of headlines from Talking Points Memo this morning:

Obama To GOP On Health Care Summit: Come Here In Good Faith

Cantor: GOP 'Will Say No To The Health Care Bill'

It's funny that no one in the press demanded that Bush act in a bipartisan manner when he was ruining the country, even though anyone with a brain knew what the consequences would be. But Obama has to go through this useless Kabuki show in order to get anything done, even with huge Congressional majorities. Otherwise he risks being ripped apart by the "press."

And don't even start with the psychologizing of our Washington journalists. This always happens to Democrats, and it never happens to Republicans. How long will it take for people to get it? This is about rich people (i.e. Republicans) owning our media, and twisting the truth to their own ends. Without their assistance in spreading the Republican pseudo-reality, Reagan would never have beat Carter, Bush would never have been able to steal the presidency from Gore, and Obama today would have been able to do far more to heal the wounds our county suffered at the hands of Bush.


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