Wingnut Wrapup

News of the World- the other world, where these guys live:

Roger Kimball, Pajamas Media: "Why Is Sarah Palin Smiling?"

Probably because you morons just paid her $115,000 to blab her lies for half an hour.

Frank J. Tripler, Pajamas Media: "Obama vs. Einstein"

Obama wins. Einstein can't guard against the three.

Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "(Obama)...doesn't have a prayer to be re-elected in 2012. Why? Because half the country now suspects he may not even be constitutionally eligible to serve in office."

Oh, go away already, you idiot.

Barbara Simpson, World Net Daily: "What would local newspapers do if it became known that a convicted prisoner was released early from jail and just hours later was arrested again, this time for attempted rape? What would they do if the release was the result of a new state law allowing such criminals be released early because the state is strapped for money and this would supposedly help balance the budget?When would newspapers print the story? Where would they place it? How would they present it? I would expect front-page coverage...Silly me. I forgot. I live in California; it's different here"

You live in California? Then you should have noticed that newspapers out here don't even put murders on the front page. And by the way, if you greedy right wing scum didn't fight tooth and nail to avoid paying your fair share of what it costs to have a society, that guy would have still been in jail.

World Net Daily: "Huckabee: Obama should support Israeli strike on Iran"

One more Republican all for someone else dying to advance his agenda, while he sits in safety ten thousand miles away. Otherwise known as "strong on defense" Republican style.

World Net Daily: "Guess who Chuck Norris says should run for president"

Oh, I don't know...Superman? Jesus? Really, this has to be the stupidest question I have heard in days.

National Review Online: "Obama counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan is wrong to say that Republicans knew Abdulmutallab was being Mirandized."

Wrong. Telling the truth, but wrong. Because it's just plain wrong to say anything bad about a Republican. Now, if they had been Democrats, it would be okay to call them traitors, terrorists, Nazis, perverts or anything else bad.

Astute Bloggers: "London-Muslim bus driver stops mid-route to pray...How much Sharia will we allow?"

Man, I am afraid now. Before I ever get on a bus, I'm going to make sure that the driver isn't a Muslim. Otherwise, I might be five minutes late for work. Our civilization is just going to hell. Who hired that Muslim, anyway? Some pinko liberal, I bet. Let's bomb his country and kill a few thousand Muslims. That will pay him back for stopping his bus.

Bill Horn, Reality Zone: "during Beyonce's performance, New World Order "Nazi-like" Gestapo-dressed dancers came out, and I was totally offended. This to me smacks of conditioning of the masses to accept a "coming soon to your neighborhood" Police State"

The police state- brought to you by Beyonce, whose main interest in life is "conditioning the masses." Grow up, asshole.

David Limbaugh, Town Hall: "Conservatives understand that liberals often demonize their opponents rather than debate the merits of the issues because the tactic works."

David, we don't demonize you, we ridicule you. Big difference there. And by the way, we can't "debate the merits of the issues" with corrupt, lying demagogues like you, who are getting paid to spout the party line. So that idea is pretty much off the table.

Moe Lane, Red State: " * Republican Party* Mr. President, you claim that you want bipartisan health care talks. Do you have the moral courage to commit to junking this existing unpopular, hyper-partisan health care bill and start over from scratch, with a further commitment for transparency and against reconciliation?

Does Obama have the "moral courage" to junk what the American people need, and just go along with making more money for the insurance companies? Does he have the "moral courage" to just let the corrupt minority lie and smear their way into what they want? Boy, that's a new take on moral courage.

Carey Roberts, Renew America: "Feminists are a bunch of irrational ninnies"

Well, I'm glad we finally got that straight.

And from a TV appearance, a new height in unashamed lying, from (who else?) Pam Geller:

"Pammy Geller, speaking to Ron Reagan: Your father would love her. Your father would love her.
Stephanie Miller: First of all, his father didn't quit halfway through the term.
Geller: Neither did she. Neither did she. She did not quit."


Pammy was sitting at a table when she said this, so I couldn't see if she was stamping her foot.

Michael Medved, Town Hall: "Obama's Undeniable Intelligence Should Be a Dangerous Vulnerability"

And it is to the ignorant hatemongers that make up your audience, Michael. Proud of yourself for cultivating that sort of thing?

Red State: "Since Obama’s anointing last January, he has scrupulously avoided using the terms “win” or “victory” in regards to America’s wars."

Perhaps because, unlike you guys, he doesn't like telling lies.

"The difference between our criticism of Obama and the criticism directed by Obama against President Bush is this: Obama’s criticism was focused on ensuring American defeats in two wars"

Oh, of course. The President of the United States is focused on ensuring our defeat. What kind of sick rationalization does it take for you to write things like that? In fact, it is people like you who are focused on ensuring America's defeat, so you guys can take over afterwords and rule over the smoking embers of our country.

Red State: "Stop spending OUR money on YOUR problems"

Yeah, but YOU caused OUR problems by stealing OUR money to give to YOUR rich friends, so YOU can damned well pick up the tab.

Doug Wead, Newsmax: "Jailed Missionaries Result of Corruption in Haiti"

Not of course, the result of their happening to kidnap a bunch of small children. No, because right wingers never do anything wrong, so it must be someone else's fault. Like, when they go into another country and commit a major violent felony, it is corrupt to throw their asses in jail. I get it now.

Tony Blankley, Newsmax: "Palin on Top of Her Game"

What, she quit something again?


magpie said…
"Huckabee: Obama should support Israeli strike on Iran"

Just on practicalities... The Iranian nuclear facilities are deep underground, even assuming the Mossad provides equivalent intelligence that enabled the strike on the Iraqi reactor in 1981... it's no easy task.

By the way (as you probably know), the United States condemned the destruction of that reactor in Iraq, at the time.
US strikes destroyed the remnants of reactor toward the end of Gulf War One, by which time the action had been made retro-righteous.
Green Eagle said…
And how nice it would be for these people, if the Israelis would only agree to having a large percentage of their population slaughtered, in order to advance the interests of the right wing in a country ten thousand miles away.

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