Digby Nails It
Digby has such a talent for putting things in the most direct manner possible. I shouldn't be surprised that she managed to put things in perspective with a single chart:

But of course, it's all Obama's fault. Let's be clear about this: the pale blue band, about 5% of the deficit, is Obama's (very necessary, unless you want a depression) contribution. The rest is the gift to the American people from the Republican party. Despite the endless abuse that Democrats suffer when they try to point this out, it's about time that they begin to say this every time they get in front of a microphone. Unless they want to let the Republicans rewrite history as usual.

But of course, it's all Obama's fault. Let's be clear about this: the pale blue band, about 5% of the deficit, is Obama's (very necessary, unless you want a depression) contribution. The rest is the gift to the American people from the Republican party. Despite the endless abuse that Democrats suffer when they try to point this out, it's about time that they begin to say this every time they get in front of a microphone. Unless they want to let the Republicans rewrite history as usual.
Let me be clear: Obama has increased spending time and time again, both on stimulus measures and entitlements. Pork has gone through the roof. His unemployment benefits plan and tax credits (which for most Americans can be deemed welfare as they pay no federal taxes) plan both add a huge amount to the deficit. Throw in healthcare and the pot gets bigger.
To claim that 95% of the deficit is Bush's fault when Obama spent RECORD amounts last year and will continue to spend huge amounts this year is insane. How can you make that argument? The only one you might be able to put on Bush is the War in Iraq, and that only costs $100 billion a year. Even if we placed all Iraq war spending in the deficit spending pile Bush would still only account for less than 6% of this years deficit.
This is all democrats do. Whenever their policies become unpopular, they blame the Republicans. For once can a Democrat say "yep, I spent a lot and it was my decision to do so"? I think they can't due to lack of a backbone. Bush never blamed Clinton or the Democrats for his spending, so why is it that Obama and the Democrats blame everyone but themselves for their inability to be fiscally responsible?
This one shows annual costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts at about $300 Billion, not one trillion.
The Bush administration was responsible for the bank bailout, which happened before Obama was elected, as you know damned well. And the biggest item here is Bush's tax cuts for the rich. And the economic collapse that reduced tax revenues happened on Bush's watch. That's what makes Bush, and conservative principles, responsible for the vast bulk of the budget deficit.
Try actually reading my posts before you brush the cheeto dust off your computer and start pounding out talking points.
The graph says "deficit, in trillions" and shows the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts as currently $1.4 trillion, decreasing to $900 billion around 2014, then increasing over the next five years back to $1.3 trillion.
"which happened before Obama was elected, as you know damned well."
Obama can't get a free pass though because he supported the bill, even claiming much of it was his idea after its passage.
"And the biggest item here is Bush's tax cuts for the rich."
The bush tax cuts increased tax revenues according to most economists. Our highest tax revenue was in 2006.
"That's what makes Bush, and conservative principles, responsible for the vast bulk of the budget deficit."
The deficit is a two way street. It is spending, as well as tax revenue. Obama is still spending record amounts. Bush's largest budget, the 2008 budget which resulted in a $400 billion deficit, barely topped $3 trillion. Obama's budget, on the other hand, planned a $3.8 trillion budget. That is 27% larger than Bush's biggest budget. Now tell me, how is Bush forcing Obama to spend 27% more?
"Try actually reading my posts"
Trust me, I read them, they simply ignore facts. The GE motto: "why get caught up in facts? Details are for wimps, I simply sing one mantra: republican=bad, democrat=good"
You can't blame Bush for Obama's actions.
Derek, you ignorant liar, what planet do you live on, anyway?
You are annoying my wife with your stupidity to the point that she has trouble reading my blog any more. Grow up or get lost.
Our highest tax revenue was in what year again? not under clinton, but under bush jr, under the 2003 tax cuts.
How was the budget balanced in the 90's? Oh yeah, they cut a tax. Let me say it again, they CUT A TAX, to balance the budget.