Wingnut Wrapup
They're still out there, working as hard as they can to make themselves look like total idiots. And that kindly Green Eagle is happy to lend them a hand:
First, this piece of interesting news:
"The daughter of a man who crashed his small plane into an Internal Revenue Service building called her father a hero for his anti-government views"
Isn't this just a logical extension of the violent attitude fostered by Teabaggers? Expect to see more of this sort of thing in the near future. Now, on with the wingnuts:
Confederate Yankee: "Conspiratorial Crank Wins CPAC Presidential Straw Poll"
Yankee, who do you have that isn't a conspiratorial crank?
Confederate Yankee: "So Bishop's defense is going to claim paranoid schizophrenia, even as it admits that the real trigger wasn't mental illness, but the arrogance and sense of entitlement Bishop acquired along with her Harvard degree."
I guess that explains George W. Bush, too.
John Hinderaker, Power Line: "Are the Democrats Coming After Your Savings?"
No, John. We don't have any savings. The Republicans took it all. Didn't you notice?
Charlie Martin, Pajamas Media: "Climategate...It’s been called the “biggest scientific scandal in history.”
Yeah, and Green Eagle has been called the biggest jackass in the history of the world. Oh wait...that one might have some truth to it.
Anyway, who called climategate that? Some right wing liar? That's my guess.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "White House Promises to Ram Obamacare Through Congress Via Reconciliation Process"
I.e. by majority vote. Ramming it through by getting a majority to vote for it. What a sin.
"2 College Students Arrested In East Texas Church Arson Cases"
“Some blame Muslims for the east Texas church fires. Some blame Palin-hating liberals,” writes The Dallas Morning News’ Brooks Egerton."

Well, here they are. Look like Muslims to you? Look like Brie eating, Chardonnay swilling liberals to you? Well, to Green Eagle, they look like Mullet Headed right wing Texas crackers. Big surprise, huh?
Wayne Allen Root, Newsmax: A Tea Party Plan to Save the Economy
Step 1: Create a one-year national income tax vacation.
Step 2: Eliminate capital gains taxes permanently.
Step 3 Create a small business payroll tax vacation for two years.
God, you can't even make a joke about this. There is absolutely no crisis, no challenge so great that it can't be bent by Republicans into another attempt to aid the rich.
Stuart Schwartz, American Thinker: "I am Sarah Palin's brain. I'm here, I'm healthy, and I'm doing very well, thank you. Contrary to what you're told by the elites of both right and left, I exist."
I'm just very little.
Michelle Malkin, Town Hall: "Corruptocrat Eric Holder's National Security Cover-Up...For more than a year, I've been writing about the looming national security and conflict-of-interest problems posed by Holder's status as a former partner at the prestigious law firm Covington and Burling. The company currently represents or has provided pro bono representation and sob-story media-relations campaigns in the past to more than a dozen Gitmo detainees from Yemen who are seeking civilian trials on American soil."
It now being corruption and treason to provide criminal defendants with lawyers if Michelle Malkin doesn't like them. This "scandal" is all over the right blogosphere the last few days. Turns out the constitution doesn't mean so much when it interferes with the blood lust of conservatives.
Leon Wolf, Red State: "OH-Sen: Dem Candidates Crawl in Bed with Unions"
Good idea. Better than crawling in bed with rich corporations, like a certain party I can think of.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Mark Levin: Obama is “Biggest Disaster in American History”
Another example of a phenomenon I speak about frequently: Post-Bush projection disorder.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Figures. Reuters Covers For Pelosi– Ignores That Speaker Caught Lying About CIA “Torture Briefings”
Jim, perhaps they ignored it because it didn't happen. After "climategate" and the terrorist attorneys and the death panels, we know that among conservatives, the fact that something didn't happen is no excuse not to report on it, but out here in the real world, we like something to be true before we write articles about it. Here's another example:
Jim Koury, Renew America: "Was there a Muslim plot to poison food at U.S. Army base?"
No. Actually, there wasn't. The defense department stated that there is no evidence that any such thing ever happened. That didn't stop wingnuts from writing several dozen posts about it.
American Thinker: "Obama's reform plan passes the buck to the next president"
Bush's plans passed a depression and two unwinable wars to Obama. But that was okay, I guess.
First, this piece of interesting news:
"The daughter of a man who crashed his small plane into an Internal Revenue Service building called her father a hero for his anti-government views"
Isn't this just a logical extension of the violent attitude fostered by Teabaggers? Expect to see more of this sort of thing in the near future. Now, on with the wingnuts:
Confederate Yankee: "Conspiratorial Crank Wins CPAC Presidential Straw Poll"
Yankee, who do you have that isn't a conspiratorial crank?
Confederate Yankee: "So Bishop's defense is going to claim paranoid schizophrenia, even as it admits that the real trigger wasn't mental illness, but the arrogance and sense of entitlement Bishop acquired along with her Harvard degree."
I guess that explains George W. Bush, too.
John Hinderaker, Power Line: "Are the Democrats Coming After Your Savings?"
No, John. We don't have any savings. The Republicans took it all. Didn't you notice?
Charlie Martin, Pajamas Media: "Climategate...It’s been called the “biggest scientific scandal in history.”
Yeah, and Green Eagle has been called the biggest jackass in the history of the world. Oh wait...that one might have some truth to it.
Anyway, who called climategate that? Some right wing liar? That's my guess.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "White House Promises to Ram Obamacare Through Congress Via Reconciliation Process"
I.e. by majority vote. Ramming it through by getting a majority to vote for it. What a sin.
"2 College Students Arrested In East Texas Church Arson Cases"
“Some blame Muslims for the east Texas church fires. Some blame Palin-hating liberals,” writes The Dallas Morning News’ Brooks Egerton."

Well, here they are. Look like Muslims to you? Look like Brie eating, Chardonnay swilling liberals to you? Well, to Green Eagle, they look like Mullet Headed right wing Texas crackers. Big surprise, huh?
Wayne Allen Root, Newsmax: A Tea Party Plan to Save the Economy
Step 1: Create a one-year national income tax vacation.
Step 2: Eliminate capital gains taxes permanently.
Step 3 Create a small business payroll tax vacation for two years.
God, you can't even make a joke about this. There is absolutely no crisis, no challenge so great that it can't be bent by Republicans into another attempt to aid the rich.
Stuart Schwartz, American Thinker: "I am Sarah Palin's brain. I'm here, I'm healthy, and I'm doing very well, thank you. Contrary to what you're told by the elites of both right and left, I exist."
I'm just very little.
Michelle Malkin, Town Hall: "Corruptocrat Eric Holder's National Security Cover-Up...For more than a year, I've been writing about the looming national security and conflict-of-interest problems posed by Holder's status as a former partner at the prestigious law firm Covington and Burling. The company currently represents or has provided pro bono representation and sob-story media-relations campaigns in the past to more than a dozen Gitmo detainees from Yemen who are seeking civilian trials on American soil."
It now being corruption and treason to provide criminal defendants with lawyers if Michelle Malkin doesn't like them. This "scandal" is all over the right blogosphere the last few days. Turns out the constitution doesn't mean so much when it interferes with the blood lust of conservatives.
Leon Wolf, Red State: "OH-Sen: Dem Candidates Crawl in Bed with Unions"
Good idea. Better than crawling in bed with rich corporations, like a certain party I can think of.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Mark Levin: Obama is “Biggest Disaster in American History”
Another example of a phenomenon I speak about frequently: Post-Bush projection disorder.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Figures. Reuters Covers For Pelosi– Ignores That Speaker Caught Lying About CIA “Torture Briefings”
Jim, perhaps they ignored it because it didn't happen. After "climategate" and the terrorist attorneys and the death panels, we know that among conservatives, the fact that something didn't happen is no excuse not to report on it, but out here in the real world, we like something to be true before we write articles about it. Here's another example:
Jim Koury, Renew America: "Was there a Muslim plot to poison food at U.S. Army base?"
No. Actually, there wasn't. The defense department stated that there is no evidence that any such thing ever happened. That didn't stop wingnuts from writing several dozen posts about it.
American Thinker: "Obama's reform plan passes the buck to the next president"
Bush's plans passed a depression and two unwinable wars to Obama. But that was okay, I guess.