Food Stamps- the Republican Stimulus
This chart, from the New York Times, will make you sick:

One eighth of the U.S. population is now on food stamps. Yes, you read that correctly. And notice that the number of people on food stamps ceased declining and began its steep rise right about the time that Republicans took over the White House.
How in hell did Barack Obama manage to cause that to happen, eight years before he became president, and when almost no one knew who he was? Because, it is his fault, isn't it? It must be. Everything is.

One eighth of the U.S. population is now on food stamps. Yes, you read that correctly. And notice that the number of people on food stamps ceased declining and began its steep rise right about the time that Republicans took over the White House.
How in hell did Barack Obama manage to cause that to happen, eight years before he became president, and when almost no one knew who he was? Because, it is his fault, isn't it? It must be. Everything is.