Wingnut Wrapup

An unusually annoying collection of lies from the right today, I think:

Erick Erickson: "I am hearing from multiple, prominent people that the Republicans in Washington are seriously thinking of caving and having an on camera sit down with Barack Obama even though their pre-conditions for a meeting will not be met.


Unless Barack Obama is prepared to unleash the free market to drive down health care costs — a sign he could only send by rejected the pre-existing plans, which are filled with government growth and mandates — there is no point to meet with him."

Ah yes. Unless Obama agrees to give up in advance, there is no point in meeting with him. Republican thinking in a nutshell. Do what we want or go to hell.

Neo-Neocon, Pajamas Media: "...hating Palin is a bonding exercise: a way to signal one's own tasteful judgment."

No, it's a way to signal one's own grasp of reality: we don't really want to turn our country over to ignorant, corrupt, lunatic demagogues.

James Long, American Thinker: "The Democrats all agree that President George Bush received a surplus when he took office after President Clinton's term, and he passed a deficit to President Obama. Democrats are outrageous prevaricators."

Prevarication, in this case, being a Republican term for Democrats telling the truth. I won't bother to explain to you the sick chain of claims that Mr. Long assembled in an effort to deny this obvious and well known fact; suffice it to say that there is nothing, no matter how established as historical fact, that they won't deny if it suits their purpose.

Dan Miller, Pajamas Media: "Are Socialist Worker Militias Coming to a City Near You? Is Hugo Chavez's new domestic militia what Obama was considering when he promised a "civilian national security force?"

No. Of course not. Doesn't stop these liars from claiming that it's true, though.


People keep taking cokes out of the refrigerator. THAT PROVES THAT THE REFRIGERATOR WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF COKES!

Rich Tucker, Town Hall: "Not long ago, to be old in this country usually meant to be poor... Today, however, a massive portion of our federal budget is spent on helping older Americans...Finally, though, there are signs that Americans are pushing back against the liberal idea..."

Americans are pushing back, huh? So we can come as fast as possible to the time when, once again, "to be old in this country usually means to be poor." Yeah, a real lot of people are going to buy into that one, Rich. keep pushing that idea. I think it's a good thing for the American people to know that this is what it means to be a Republican.

Red State: "I find it fascinating that Democrats want a tough-minded, bull-headed, strong-willed President now, when only 3 short years ago these very same Democrats (confronted with a President exhibiting these very same personality traits) did nothing but belly ache, moan, and complain"

You mean Bush? Bull headed, strong willed, stupid, ignorant, belligerent, corrupt and pathologically dishonest. Really, it was mostly those last four that we objected to. And by the way, if he were so strong willed, maybe he would have been able to stop Dick Cheney from making himself vice president, and then riding roughshod over Bush for eight years.

An e-mail, quoted with approval by Erick Erickson, Red State: "Dear Mr. Erikson: Even you with your exaulted sense of superior intelligence , surely you realize it’s NOT ABOUT THE “BIRTH” — it’s his refusal to provide ANY-ANY biographical evidence of his being or accomplishments."

Because we really don't know that he was the editor of the Harvard Law Review, a constitutional law professor, an Illinois State Legislator and a U.S. Senator. No, we know nothing about him.

Grant Swank, Renew America: "Palin wakes up each morning, not driven by political opportunism, but what she considers to be God's will for that day."

God's will apparently being that she make as much money as fast as possible.


magpie said…

It does not prove there is no shortage of oil.
It does prove there is a shortage of imagination.
Poll P. said…
"’s his refusal to provide ANY-ANY biographical evidence of his being or accomplishments."

How about two best-selling autobiographies?

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