God in Heaven Above, What Will They Stoop To Next?

And now this:

"Marc Thiessen, former President Bush's speechwriter and the author of Courting Disaster, now complains that President Obama is killing too many terrorists.

"Today, the Obama administration is no longer attempting to capture men like these alive; it is simply killing them. This may be satisfying, but it comes at a price. With every drone strike that vaporizes a senior al Qaeda leader, actionable intelligence is vaporized along with him. Dead terrorists can't tell you their plans to strike America."

Is there never a single second when these people stop and think, "maybe I should act decently, for once?"


Infidel753 said…
Not sure whether by "these people" you mean the terrorists or the Republicans, but the answer is the same either way.
(O)CT(O)PUS said…
Green Eagle, don't let them demoralize you. That has been the GOP strategy since the day Obama took office.

Has the Republican Party been any different than what terrorist insurgents do in Iraq do? Their goal is to foment disorder, disrupt, to create social divisions, spread chaos.

The Republicans act like an insurgency. Time to hold them accountable.
Jean Valjean said…
Wow, I'm not the only one 'up in arms' today!
Green Eagle said…
"The Republicans act like an insurgency. Time to hold them accountable."

You got that one right.

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