Wingnut Wrapup
It's time for another dose of madness:
Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Breaking: Kadahfy calls for Jihad against Switzerland "
Boy, that really scares me.
Grant Swank, Renew America: "Obama is the most exemplary Muslim on the planet"
Well, thanks, Grant, for that compliment. At least he's an exemplary Muslim.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "Does this sign reveal Obama's birthplace?"

Actually, I don't think so. After extensive analysis, Green Eagle has determined that this is a cheesily photoshopped version of the following photo:

World Net Daily: "Watching clock: Democrats talk nearly twice as long as Republicans"
Those dirty rats. They'll stoop to anything.
Hogan, Red State: "Last night, while most Americans were watching the Olympics, Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) was standing strong for the American people on the floor of the United States Senate."
Standing strong for the American people by preventing an extension of unemployment benefits. Standing strong for rich American people, yes. The rest of us, not so much.
Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "President F***k You Flips Off the American People. What a punk."
As usual, Pammy at her classiest.
Rob Port, Say Anything Blog: "Photo Evidence: Michelle Obama Keeps Socialist Books In The White House Library...Now, according out the person who guided our tour, the library is stock with books picked out by the First Lady, Michelle Obama. Being a bit of a bibliophile, I started to peruse some of the books on the shelves…and lookie, lookie what I found"
Yeah, you found a book on socialism that, it turns out, was placed in the White House library by Jackie Kennedy. Of course, that little fact is hardly enough to lead you to apologize for what you said, or to stop several dozen other right wing blogs from repeating your smear. Who'd have ever thought we'd see this kind of behavior from such moral people? Green Eagle is shocked, I tell you, shocked.
Neil Bryan Goldberg, Renew America: "we are at war with evil terror, evil propaganda.. . . at war with soulless traitors within your own government and within your news and entertainment industries.. . . at war with secret societies that control world banking, and which have purposely engineered the destruction of the U.S. economy."
Oh, sure. You know what, guy? I think you've been playing too many video games. And what is Neil's answer to this malign threat:
"Call out — turn, turn back, America. Cry out to God to save you now. "
Oh yeah, that'll work.
Mary Matalin, on Wolf Blitzer's show yesterday: "The majority vote is tyranny of the minority."
Huh? What? Wait a minute now. I don't think that makes a hell of a lot of sense. And of course that brain dead Wolf Blitzer never blinked an eye when she made this idiotic assertion.
John Hinderaker, Power Line: "We've written many times about the seemingly odd-bedfellow alliance between the Left and Islamic radicals."
Not that any such thing has ever existed, of course, but we've written about it many times, and we are going to continue doing so. So there, sucker.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "1,500 patriots turned out today at the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition Anniversary Celebration."

Well, once again, Jim has published several pictures of this event, and Green Eagle brings you the one showing the most people. Fifteen hundred? I see several dozen. And in this case let me note that, as the people seem to be on risers, if there had been several hundred people, and if the photographer had only moved back 20 or 30 feet, we would have been able to see them. I had a similar story and picture for an alleged demonstration outside the health care summit, but one a day is plenty.
Newsmax: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged her colleagues to back a major overhaul of U.S. healthcare even if it threatens their political careers"
A totally foreign idea, openly ridiculed on several right wing websites today: the idea that Congressmen should put their country ahead of their personal welfare. Don't worry- you won't get any Republican leaders giving in to this crazy notion.
Brian Fischer, Renew America: "The homosexual agenda represents a clear and present danger to virtually every fundamental right given to us by our Creator and enshrined for us in our Constitution."
You mean like no self-incrimination, and not having troops quartered in our houses? Boy those gays are powerful. Or like maybe police won't need probable cause for warrants, or we won't have a right to a speedy and public trial? Oh wait a minute- Bush and Cheney already did away with those two. Maybe they're gay too, huh? What do you think?
World Net Daily: " What's your reaction to scientists claiming earthquakes seem to be increasing in frequency?"
Here are some of the possible answers to this online poll:
"It fits Bible prophecy and proves we're living in the last days
I think God's trying to tell us something
Are these the same scientists who told us global temperatures were increasing due to human activity?
If it's true, some politician will find a way to blame us and make us pay more taxes to stop it
It's criminal for government to be wasting so much money on manufactured crises when we might one day need that money to recover from a real one"
Boy, I can't wait to see which one of those World Net Daily's readers picked out.
World Net Daily: "Bush 'trying to regain a sense of anonymity'
Can't really blame him, can you? I mean, all things considered.
Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Breaking: Kadahfy calls for Jihad against Switzerland "
Boy, that really scares me.
Grant Swank, Renew America: "Obama is the most exemplary Muslim on the planet"
Well, thanks, Grant, for that compliment. At least he's an exemplary Muslim.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "Does this sign reveal Obama's birthplace?"

Actually, I don't think so. After extensive analysis, Green Eagle has determined that this is a cheesily photoshopped version of the following photo:

World Net Daily: "Watching clock: Democrats talk nearly twice as long as Republicans"
Those dirty rats. They'll stoop to anything.
Hogan, Red State: "Last night, while most Americans were watching the Olympics, Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) was standing strong for the American people on the floor of the United States Senate."
Standing strong for the American people by preventing an extension of unemployment benefits. Standing strong for rich American people, yes. The rest of us, not so much.
Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "President F***k You Flips Off the American People. What a punk."
As usual, Pammy at her classiest.
Rob Port, Say Anything Blog: "Photo Evidence: Michelle Obama Keeps Socialist Books In The White House Library...Now, according out the person who guided our tour, the library is stock with books picked out by the First Lady, Michelle Obama. Being a bit of a bibliophile, I started to peruse some of the books on the shelves…and lookie, lookie what I found"
Yeah, you found a book on socialism that, it turns out, was placed in the White House library by Jackie Kennedy. Of course, that little fact is hardly enough to lead you to apologize for what you said, or to stop several dozen other right wing blogs from repeating your smear. Who'd have ever thought we'd see this kind of behavior from such moral people? Green Eagle is shocked, I tell you, shocked.
Neil Bryan Goldberg, Renew America: "we are at war with evil terror, evil propaganda.. . . at war with soulless traitors within your own government and within your news and entertainment industries.. . . at war with secret societies that control world banking, and which have purposely engineered the destruction of the U.S. economy."
Oh, sure. You know what, guy? I think you've been playing too many video games. And what is Neil's answer to this malign threat:
"Call out — turn, turn back, America. Cry out to God to save you now. "
Oh yeah, that'll work.
Mary Matalin, on Wolf Blitzer's show yesterday: "The majority vote is tyranny of the minority."
Huh? What? Wait a minute now. I don't think that makes a hell of a lot of sense. And of course that brain dead Wolf Blitzer never blinked an eye when she made this idiotic assertion.
John Hinderaker, Power Line: "We've written many times about the seemingly odd-bedfellow alliance between the Left and Islamic radicals."
Not that any such thing has ever existed, of course, but we've written about it many times, and we are going to continue doing so. So there, sucker.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "1,500 patriots turned out today at the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition Anniversary Celebration."

Well, once again, Jim has published several pictures of this event, and Green Eagle brings you the one showing the most people. Fifteen hundred? I see several dozen. And in this case let me note that, as the people seem to be on risers, if there had been several hundred people, and if the photographer had only moved back 20 or 30 feet, we would have been able to see them. I had a similar story and picture for an alleged demonstration outside the health care summit, but one a day is plenty.
Newsmax: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged her colleagues to back a major overhaul of U.S. healthcare even if it threatens their political careers"
A totally foreign idea, openly ridiculed on several right wing websites today: the idea that Congressmen should put their country ahead of their personal welfare. Don't worry- you won't get any Republican leaders giving in to this crazy notion.
Brian Fischer, Renew America: "The homosexual agenda represents a clear and present danger to virtually every fundamental right given to us by our Creator and enshrined for us in our Constitution."
You mean like no self-incrimination, and not having troops quartered in our houses? Boy those gays are powerful. Or like maybe police won't need probable cause for warrants, or we won't have a right to a speedy and public trial? Oh wait a minute- Bush and Cheney already did away with those two. Maybe they're gay too, huh? What do you think?
World Net Daily: " What's your reaction to scientists claiming earthquakes seem to be increasing in frequency?"
Here are some of the possible answers to this online poll:
"It fits Bible prophecy and proves we're living in the last days
I think God's trying to tell us something
Are these the same scientists who told us global temperatures were increasing due to human activity?
If it's true, some politician will find a way to blame us and make us pay more taxes to stop it
It's criminal for government to be wasting so much money on manufactured crises when we might one day need that money to recover from a real one"
Boy, I can't wait to see which one of those World Net Daily's readers picked out.
World Net Daily: "Bush 'trying to regain a sense of anonymity'
Can't really blame him, can you? I mean, all things considered.
Maybe it's those five or six scientists who are denying climate change.
The photoshopper had a bit of a joke, though. The Arabic letters underneath the word "Kenya" actually spell "Hawaii", although they're in reverse order and not joined up correctly.
The actual sign that was the subject of Farah's sign has indeed been found. It has a totally different text but the background is identical. The person who took the original has come forward, and has verified that it said nothing at all like the one that was shown on World Net Daily.
They lied. Surprise, surprise.