A Question on Sarah Palin's Future
Here's a picture of Sarah Palin giving her speech yesterday, that's been making the rounds of the blogosphere today. What has attracted most people's attention is that she seems to be cribbing from notes written on her hand, like some fifth grader taking a social studies test:

That's embarrassing enough, but something else caught my attention. Look at Palin's face. She's starting to look a little old there, isn't she?
Now, before people accuse me of being a sexist pig, let me remind you that Sarah Palin has always used her sexuality as a major part of her appeal- in fact as a substitute for any sort of real qualifications. And sad to say, it's worked for her so far. Let me predict that the minute she doesn't look so sexy any more, the yahoos that worship her are going to discover that she's yesterday's news.
This was perhaps her most public appearance since the 2009 presidential campaign. If she is already starting to look her age, she is in big trouble. Again, let me say that I would not make this kind of remark about any other politician, but she has used her sexuality constantly to manipulate her followers, and so I believe the observation is relevant.

That's embarrassing enough, but something else caught my attention. Look at Palin's face. She's starting to look a little old there, isn't she?
Now, before people accuse me of being a sexist pig, let me remind you that Sarah Palin has always used her sexuality as a major part of her appeal- in fact as a substitute for any sort of real qualifications. And sad to say, it's worked for her so far. Let me predict that the minute she doesn't look so sexy any more, the yahoos that worship her are going to discover that she's yesterday's news.
This was perhaps her most public appearance since the 2009 presidential campaign. If she is already starting to look her age, she is in big trouble. Again, let me say that I would not make this kind of remark about any other politician, but she has used her sexuality constantly to manipulate her followers, and so I believe the observation is relevant.
Do look at this, from FOX News Sunday, where she thinks Obama should just, y'know, declare war on Iran.
By the way, Sarah Palin can blab out anything she wants and, in the end, no one cares. The President of the United States has to be very careful about what he says. Big difference there.
I mentioned Neocon Daniel Pipes saying the same thing a couple of days ago. I wonder if they are trying to manipulate Obama into a military campaign he can't possibly win. If so, it would be one of the most disloyal acts I have ever heard of, but I wouldn't put it past them.
Notes on the hand vs teleprompters at stadiums, meetings, and schools. I think notes on the hand wins. Obama still slips up with the teleprompters. The man can't ad lib or speak off the cuff worth crap. Palin spoke for 45 minutes with a few notes on her hand, probably just the topics or names.
Obama can't speak. Get over it.
As long as she didn't come within 50 miles of a job requiring rational thought, education or intellect, she'd be a great neighbor.
She'll still be an attractive woman for years to come, but when the twinkle begins to frost and she starts to look haggard to her own supporters, the fact will be blamed on "all those terrible people who say mean things about her". You're all gonna need a barf bag for that one.
I don't want to see her run in 2012 or whenever. I don't want to see that accident in progress.
It's no longer funny. Millions of lives are at stake here, lady, just.... go home. You've got your money, now. Those teabag fools have paid you for the illusion that you mean anything productive to the country, and you can sort out your debts. Just go home.
Derek, you will just tell any lie, won't you, even the most ludicrous. I am getting complaints already that you are back. This blog is not your property. Shape up or go away.
He seems to have done OK in the Republican lions' den the other day, with no notes at all.
It'll be interesting to see if GE is right about the prospect of Palin's cult status fading. If she'd been only average-looking, would she have ever grown so prominent in the first place? She always seemed more like a Hollywood celebrity than a serious politician.
Like a Mayor or Governor? She was great at both.
"Derek, you will just tell any lie, won't you, even the most ludicrous."
Ever see Obama speak without a teleprompter? OHHHHHHh so hilarious. Wish he'd do it more often. I've been to fifty . . . seven states. A few more to go.
"This blog is not your property. "
Owned by Google.
"with no notes at all."
Two teleprompters.
"She always seemed more like a Hollywood celebrity than a serious politician."
She has been more of a celebrity for the past year than a politician, I agree. However, that doesn't mean she can't resituate herself. Also, I'd like to point out that Obama is a celebrity, will be a celebrity, and always has been a celebrity.
You have just had it, you lying little scum. You are out of here. Honor my request to never visit this site again, or I will delete any comment of yours as soon as I see it.
I cannot put in words what a disgraceful, contemptible little piece of garbage you are. Maybe some day you will figure it out- maybe you already know it and just don't care as long as you get what you want, like most Republicans.
Just don't come back. You have nothing to add to any civilized discussion.
But, not to worry Carrie Prejean is being groomed top step in as the next female face for the Republicans.
Because the Republicans have long abandoned any hope of intellectual arguments for their candidates and have decided to go all in on the better looking = better person strategy.
I disagree, I'd say that Republicans simply are more attractive.
I do agree the Republicans have disconnected from their intellectual base, and I think that has something with what their strategies have been up until now. There's an old saying that if you tell a lie often enough then people will believe it. But they carried that to the next level: Now THEY believe it.
The idiocy of thinking tax cuts for the mega-rich will somehow cure the deficit, that Obama is a dictator but the Patriot Act was quite okay, that Obama - one of the greatest political orators in living memory - can't speak, that Palin has ever said anything worthy of even being scribbled on the back of toilet door... We look at that and say "how can they possibly think that?".
Yet they do. They are collectively the great snake of deceit coiled up poisonously with its own tail in its mouth.
Not cure but help. History proves this to be true. They are the movers and shakers of our economy, and their investment controls expansion. Allowing them to keep more of their income enables them to reinvest the money into the economy, creating jobs and industries.
I think we can afford to cut taxes for the top 10% seeing as how they pay 71% of our taxes.
I'll personally pay a dollar to the first person to answer the following question correctly: What percentage of our total federal tax revenue does the bottom 50% of wage-earners pay?
"one of the greatest political orators in living memory"
I believe you mean "readers in living memory".
"that Palin has ever said anything worthy..."
Apparently you don't listen. A good bit to watch is the cut Couric clips.
"that's why Dick Cheney and Karl Rove have had so many affairs"
Robert Byrd and Janet Reno. I win. If you need more, Henry Waxman and Nancy Pelosi.