Let's Attack Iran, Huh?

And this vital story, from Talking Points Memo, about Daniel Pipes, one of of the classic ignorant, stupid neocons who brought you our great adventure in Iraq:

"Pipes: Obama Must Bomb Iran To Save His Presidency"

Because all the innocent lives that would be wiped out mean nothing compared to a president's ego. That kind of thinking worked for Bush, right? I mean, attacking Iraq saved his presidency- so he could go on for seven more years of incompetence and criminality.

This maundering idiot continues:

"He needs a dramatic gesture to change the public perception of him as a light-weight, bumbling ideologue..."

You're right there. The dramatic gesture he needs is for Republicans like you to stop spending tens of millions of dollars spreading lies to convince people that he is a "light-weight, bumbling ideologue," in comparison to your president, who was exactly that, and ignorant, vicious and corrupt in the process.

"According to Pipes, a war with Iran would also be quick and easy job."

Where have we heard that one before? I just know Pipes' reasoning has a familiar ring to it.


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