Right Wing Insanity of the Day

From Frank Gaffney, no stranger to teh insane, and therefore a respected neocon:

"Can This Possibly be True? New Obama Missile Defense Logo Includes a Crescent

The Obama administration’s determined effort to reduce America’s missile defense capabilities initially seemed to be just standard Leftist fare — of a piece with the Democratic base’s visceral hostility to the idea of protecting us against ballistic missile threats. A just-unveiled symbolic action suggests, however, that something even more nefarious is afoot.

Now...we have another possible explanation for behavior that can only be described as treacherous and malfeasant: Team Obama’s anti-anti-missile initiatives are not simply acts of unilateral disarmament of the sort to be expected from an Alinsky acolyte. They seem to fit an increasingly obvious and worrying pattern of official U.S. submission to Islam and the theo-political-legal program the latter’s authorities call Shariah."

Well, here it is- the offending logo:

Proof positive that Obama is a Communist Muslim out to destroy our country, you betcha.

Of course, to my eye, that red swoosh seems to be attacking the crescent, so I think it's actually a threat, via graphic arts, to split Islam in two.

By the way, Frank, in answer to your question, "can this possibly be true?" No, of course it can't, you brain-dead idiot. That didn't stop you from pretending that it could be, did it?

Update: Thanks to Thinking Meat, we now learn that this logo was actually designed during the Bush administration. I am positive that, when I go to check the right wing blogs tomorrow, I will find several dozen posts accusing Bush and Cheney of promoting "submission to Islam."


magpie said…
It's not even a crescent, it's a ring that has been intersected.

The symbol of the moon was common to various civilizations that pre-date Islam by many centuries. The Romans - who were not Muslims - defeated the Goths - who were also not Muslims - in some battle fought on the first day of a lunar month. Their city Byzantium/Constantinople - now Istanbul - took this new moon symbol to represent the city. The Ottoman Empire conquered it in 1453, and adopted that symbol as theirs. That's when European association of the crescent with Islam began.

Many Muslims reject the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam, because originally the faith had no symbol.

I recommend no-one get into a homicidal froth over what amounts to logo brand recognition.
Cardinal44 said…
But it would look so good on the chest of some superhero tights 0 Musliman?

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