Pammy, Still At It

I mentioned an item yesterday about Pammy Geller's TV appearance, in which she insisted over and over again that Sarah Palin had not quit the Alaska Governorship. Here's another amusing snippet from that appearance, in which she is talking to Ron Reagan:

"Reagan: Is Pam still blathering about me and my father? Oh, you are. You still haven't met him, though, right? You still didn't know him, so you're just sort of making things up as you go along, right?

Geller: You never met him either. You know, you never met him either."

Well, there you go. A perfect example of the foolishness of people who think we can have meaningful, fact based discussions with right wingers. These people care nothing for truth or falsity, right or wrong. They care only about what they want, which 99% of the time consists of nothing but "cut my taxes." They are horrible people who have decided that it is okay to abandon everything that is decent in life, and ignore everything they claim to believe in, and yet tell themselves that they are the morally evolved people in this country.

Telling Ron Reagan to his face that he never met his father. Is there a lie on earth that is too much for them?*

* No. Just in case you weren't sure.


Jean Valjean said…
Wow, proof positive that, as you've been saying, she's completely off her rocker...or completely sold-out.

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