Self Appointed?

Here's an amusing comment from some God-forsaken wingnut blog:

"It seems that snow wasn't the only thing piling up on the White House lawn last week. President Obama met with a trio of self-annointed black leaders; Benjamin Jealous, president of the NAACP, Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, and the omnipresent Rev. Al Sharpton, president of the National Action League."

Self-annointed? Weren't they elected to be leaders by their organizations, two of which have a decades-long record of public service? What exactly makes them "self-annointed?" The fact that they don't agree to shout out Republican party-line drivel at every opportunity?

I guess they are nothing like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, who were annointed by God. Or at least Rupert Murdoch.

What a bunch of dicks there are in the world.


Poll P. said…
What makes them self-annointed is the same thing that makes Barak a Socialist/Fascist.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Self-Annointed is a call to the religious racists. It's akin to when they call President Obama the Messiah. They want the mount breathing religious bigots to get the zealous ire up especially at them uppity you-know-what's who don't know their place.
Green Eagle said…
Right as usual, Gene. It's funny how only you and I seem to have figured out that things have gotten far beyond the point where it's still appropriate to be polite to these dickheads that are destroying our civilization in order to get in on the short term profits.

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